Book List for Rexx, Object Rexx, and NetRexx
Автор: Mike Cowlishaw
Дата: 15.02.2012
Источник: Rexx book list
This is a list of published (i.e., generally available) books, manuals, and papers from scientific journals that are closely associated with the Rexx language or one of its implementations or derivatives.
Please send any additions, corrections, etc. to Mike Cowlishaw (
This list is in three parts, each ordered roughly chronologically by first edition:
- General published books and manuals
- Papers
- IBM Manuals, etc., with IBM order numbers
| Recent changes are marked by change bars, as on this line.
General Books and Manuals
Modern Programming Using REXX -- Robert P. O'Hara and David R. Gomberg
In English: ISBN 0-13-597311-2 Prentice-Hall, 1985
ISBN 0-13-579329-5 (Second edition), 1988
(From REXXPress,
The REXX Language -- M. F. Cowlishaw
In English: ISBN 0-13-780735-X Prentice-Hall, 1985
ISBN 0-13-780651-5 (Second edition), 1990
In German: ISBN 3-446-15195-8 Carl Hanser Verlag, 1988
ISBN 0-13-780784-8 P-H International, 1988
In Japanese: ISBN 4-7649-0136-6 Kindai-kagaku-sha, 1988
Personal REXX User's Guide (PC-DOS and OS/2 REXX) version 2.0
Mansfield Software Group, Inc., 1985-1990
ARexx User's Reference Manual (The REXX Language for the Amiga)
William S. Hawes, 1987
uniREXX Reference Manual (REXX for a variety of Unix systems)
The Workstation Group, 1990
Proceedings of the REXX Symposium for Developers and Users
SLAC Report-368, 235pp, June 11, 1990
REXX In the TSO Environment -- Gabriel F. Gargiulo
ISBN 0-89435-354-3, QED Information Systems Inc.,
Order #CC3543; 320pp, 1990
Revised edition:
ISBN 0-89435-418-3, QED Information Systems Inc.,
471pp, 1993
Practical Usage of REXX -- Anthony S. Rudd
ISBN 0-13-682790-X, Ellis Horwood (Simon & Schuster), 1990
Personal REXX User's Guide (PC-DOS and OS/2 REXX) version 3.0
Quercus Systems, 268pp, 1991
Portable/REXX for MS/DOS (Guide, Reference manual, Examples Reference,
Reference Summary, and Learning to Program with Portable/REXX)
REXX/Windows (Product Guide and Reference)
Keith Watts, Kilowatt Software, 1991
Proceedings of the REXX Symposium for Developers and Users
SLAC Report-379, 244pp, May 8-9, 1991
Using ARexx on the Amiga -- Chris Zamara and Nick Sullivan
ISBN 1-55755-114-6, 424pp+diskette, Abacus, 1991
The REXX Handbook -- Edited by Gabe Goldberg and Phil Smith III
ISBN 0-07-023682-8, 672pp, McGraw Hill, 1991
Amiga Programmer's Guide to ARexx -- Eric Giguere
Commodore-Amiga, Inc., 1991
Programming in REXX -- Charles Daney
ISBN 0-07-015305-1, 300pp, McGraw Hill, 1992
Proceedings of the REXX Symposium for Developers and Users
SLAC Report-401, 401pp, May 3-5, 1992
The ARexx Cookbook -- Merrill Callaway
ISBN 0-9632773-0-8, 221pp, Whitestone, 1992
(Companion diskette: ISBN 0-9632773-1-6)
Command Language Cookbook -- Hallett German
ISBN 0-442-00801-5, 352pp, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992
Personal REXX User's Guide, Version 3.0 -- OS/2 Supplement
Quercus Systems, 94pp, 1992
REXX--Advanced Techniques for Programmers -- Peter C. Kiesel
ISBN 0-07-034600-3, 239pp, McGraw Hill, 1993
REXX Tools and Techniques -- Barry K. Nirmal
ISBN 0-89435-417-5, 264pp, QED, 1993
VisPro/REXX (Visual programming with REXX)
Hockware Inc, 196pp, 1993
REXX in der Praxis -- Peter Kees
ISBN 3-486-22666-5, 279pp, Oldenbourg, 1993
VX-Rexx for OS/2 (Programmer's Guide and Reference) 2.0
ISBN 1-55094-074-0 Watcom International Corp., 724pp, 1993
REXX Reference Summary Handbook (OS/2) -- Dick Goran
ISBN 0-9639854-0-X C F S Nevada, Inc, 102pp, 1993.
ISBN 0-9639854-1-8 (second edition), 148pp, 1994.
ISBN 0-9639854-2-6 (third edition, for Warp), 208pp, 1995.
ISBN 0-9639854-3-4 (fourth edition, for Warp 4), 270pp, 1997.
OS/2 2.1 REXX Handbook: Basics, Applications, and Tips -- Hallett German
ISBN 0442-01734-0, 459pp, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1993
Proceedings of the REXX Symposium for Developers and Users
SLAC Report-422, 247pp, May 18-20, 1993
Mastering OS/2 REXX -- Gabriel F. Gargiulo
ISBN 0-471-51901-4, 417pp, Wiley-QED, 1994
Application Development Using OS/2 REXX -- Anthony S. Rudd
ISBN 0-471-60691-X, 416pp, Wiley-QED, 1994
Writing VX-Rexx Programs -- Ronny Richardson
ISBN 0-07911-911-5, 336pp+CD-ROM, McGraw-Hill, 1994
Teach Yourself REXX in 21 Days -- William F. Schindler & Esther Schindler
ISBN 0-672-30529-1, 527pp, SAMS, 1994
Writing OS/2 REXX Programs -- Ronny Richardson
ISBN 0-07052-372-X, 390pp, McGraw-Hill, 1994
REXX Procedursprak--hur du programmerar din PC med OS/2 -- Bengt Kynning
ISBN 91-44-48541-7, 300pp, Studentlitteratur (Sweden), 1994
The REXX Cookbook -- Merrill Callaway
ISBN 0-9632773-4-0, 319pp, Whitestone, 1995
ISBN 0-9632773-5-9 The REXX files (Companion disk)
Yasashii Rexx Nyumon (Introduction to Easy Rexx) -- Fumito Yamada
ISBN 4-88648-434-4, Tokyo: Daiwa Art/Di Art, diskette, 1995
ISPF/REXX Development for Experienced Programmers -- Lou Marco
ISBN 1-878956-50-7, 201pp, diskette, CBM Books, Ft. Washington, PA, 1995
REXX ni Yoru OS/2 Nyumon (Introduction to OS/2 via REXX) -- Naohiko Yamashita
ISBN 4-7898-3562-6 Tokyo: CQ Shuppan, 1996
REXX Jiyu Jizai (Handy with REXX) -- Takanori Seki
ISBN 4-7819-0810-1 Tokyo: Science-sha, 1996
Object REXX by Example -- Gwen L. Veneskey et al.
ISBN 0-9652329-0-5, 331pp+disk, Aviar Inc. (+1-412-488-9730), 1996
Practical Usage of MVS REXX -- Anthony S. Rudd
ISBN 3-540-19952-7, 310pp, Springer-Verlag, 1996
Object REXX for OS/2 Warp: Rexx Bytes Objects Now -- Trevor Turton et al.
ISBN 0-13-273467-2, 320pp+disk, Prentice-Hall, 1997
Das REXX Lexikon -- Gerd Leibrock
ISBN 3-486-23672-5, 598pp, Oldenbourg Verlag, 1997
The NetRexx Language -- M. F. Cowlishaw
ISBN 0-13-806332-X, 197pp, Prentice-Hall, 1997
Object Oriented Programming with REXX -- Tom Ender
ISBN 0-471-11844-3, 253 pp, Wiley Computer Publishing, diskette, 1997
Object REXX for Windows NT and Windows 95 -- Ueli Wahli et al
ISBN 0-13-858028-6, 490pp+disk, Prentice-Hall, 1997
REXX OS/2, TSO and CMS Features Quick Reference -- Gabe Gargiulo
MVS Training, Inc., 1999 (
Down to Earth REXX -- William F. (Bill) Schindler
ISBN 0-9677590-0-5, 507pp, Perfect Niche Software, 2000
| Practical Usage of TSO REXX -- Anthony S. Rudd
ISBN 1-85233-261-1, 324pp, Springer-Verlag, 2000
| Rexx Programmer's Reference -- Howard Fosdick
ISBN 0-7645-7996-7, 686pp, Wiley Publishing, 2005
The Design of the Restructured Extended Executor Language -- M. F. Cowlishaw
in IBM at Hursley -- The First 25 Years -- A Festschrift
TR12.223, October 1983, 18pp.
The Design of the REXX Language -- M. F. Cowlishaw
IBM Systems Journal, Vol 23, No. 4, 1984, pp326-335
Offprints can be ordered from IBM, number: G321-5228
REXX on TSO/E -- G. E. Hoernes
IBM Systems Journal, Vol 28, No. 2, 1989, pp274-293
Offprints can be ordered from IBM, number: G321-5359
Partial Compilation of REXX -- R. Y. Pinter, P. Vortman, and Z. Weiss
IBM Systems Journal, Vol 30, No. 3, 1991, pp312-321
Offprints can be ordered from IBM, number: G321-5437
The programming language standards scene, ten years on.
Paper 20: Rexx -- Brian Marks
Computer Standards & Interfaces 16, 1994 (Elsevier), pp555-557
The Early History of REXX -- Mike Cowlishaw
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing (ISSN 1058-6180)
Vol 16, No. 4, Winter 1994, pp15-24
NetRexx -- an alternative for writing Java classes -- Mike Cowlishaw
Proceedings of IEEE CompCon 97,
ISBN 0-8186-7804-6, pp200-205, IEEE Press, Los Alamitos, Spring 1997
| A Syllabus for Introducing MBA Students to Procedural and Object-
| oriented Programming (Object Rexx) -- Rony G. Flatscher
| Proceedings of the Association for Information Systems, Americas
| Conference, Milwaukee, August 13-15, 1999.
Books and IBM Manuals, orderable or downloadable from IBM
These should be available through usual IBM channels, such as your local IBM Branch Office, or on
Cross-system books
ZB35-5100 The REXX Language, 2nd Ed. -- Cowlishaw (see below)
SC26-4358 SAA CPI: Procedures Language Reference (Level 1)
SC24-5549 SAA CPI: REXX Level 2 Reference
G511-1430 IBM REXX Compiler and Library/370:
Introducing the Next Step in REXX
SH19-8160 REXX/370 (Compiler and Library/370):
User's Guide and Reference
SK2T1402 REXX/370 Compiler and Library V1R2.0 Online Product Library
LY19-6264 IBM REXX Compiler and Library/370:
Diagnosis Guide
SB20-0020 The REXX Handbook -- Ed. Goldberg & Smith (see below)
| SR23-8926 The NetRexx Language -- M. F. Cowlishaw
| SG24-2216 Creating Java Applications Using NetRexx -- U. Wahli et al
System-specific books, grouped by system
SC24-5239 VM/SP: System Product Interpreter Reference
SC24-5238 VM/SP: System Product Interpreter User's Guide
SX24-5126 VM/SP: System Product Interpreter Reference Summary
SB09-1326 VM/SP: System Product Interpreter Reference (Chinese)
SB09-1325 VM/SP: System Product Interpreter User's Guide (Chinese)
GG22-9361 The System Product Interpreter (REXX) Examples and
Techniques -- Brodock
SC12-1599 VM/SP: System Product Interpreter Handbuch
(German: SC24-5239, July 1984)
SC24-5357 VM/IS: Writing Simple Programs with REXX
SC23-0374 VM/XA: System Product Interpreter Reference
SC23-0375 VM/XA: System Product Interpreter User's Guide
GH19-8118 CMS REXX Compiler General Information
SH19-8120 CMS REXX Compiler User's Guide & Reference
LY19-6262 CMS REXX Compiler Diagnosis Guide
LN19-9048 CMS REXX Compiler Diagnosis Guide TNL
SH19-8146 CMS REXX Compiler User's Guide and Reference - Supplement
GC24-5406 VM/SP: Program Update Info. -- REXX Language Enhancements
SC24-5598 VM/ESA: R2: REXX/VM Primer
SC24-5465 VM/ESA: R2.2: REXX/VM User's Guide
SC24-5466 VM/ESA: R2.2: REXX/VM Reference
ST00-8323 VM/ESA: R2.2: REXX/VM Reference Summary (SX24-5251)
GC24-5607 VM/ESA: R2.2: REXX/EXEC Migration Tool
SG24-2542 VM/ESA GUI Facility Developer's Guide; REXX and C++ GUI
SC28-1882 TSO/E V2R1.1 REXX User's Guide
SC28-1883 TSO/E Version 2 REXX/MVS Reference
SC23-3803 Using REXX to Access OpenEdition MVS Services
| SC31-8231 TME 10 NetView for OS/390 V1R2 Customization: Using REXX
| SC28-1905 OS/390 Using REXX and OS/390 UNIX System Services
| SC28-1975 OS/390 V2R10.0 TSO/E REXX Reference
| SC28-1974 OS/390 V2R9.0-R10.0 TSO/E REXX User's Guide
S01F-0271 OS/2 Version 1.3 Procedures Language 2/REXX Reference
S01F-0272 OS/2 Version 1.3 Procedures Language 2/REXX User's Guide
S10G-6268 OS/2 (Version 2.0) Procedures Language 2/REXX Reference
S10G-6269 OS/2 (Version 2.0) Procedures Language 2/REXX User's Guide
SR28-5250 OS/2 (Version 2.1) REXX Handbook
GG24-4199 OS/2 REXX: From Bark to Byte (Redbook)
SR28-5884 The REXX Cookbook -- Merrill Callaway
| S246-0078 REXX Reference Summary Handbook -- Dick Goran
| SG24-4586 Object REXX for OS/2 (Turton et al)
SC24-5512 AS/400 Procedures Language 400/REXX Reference
SC24-5513 AS/400 Procedures Language 400/REXX Programmer's Guide
SC24-5552 AS/400 Procedures Language 400/REXX Reference, Version 2
SC24-5553 AS/400 Procedures Language 400/REXX Programmer's Guide, V 2
SBOF-6819 OS/400: REXX/400 Support
SC33-6528 VSE/ESA: REXX/VSE User's Guide
SC33-6529 VSE/ESA: REXX/VSE Reference
LY33-9144 VSE/ESA: REXX/VSE Diagnosis Reference
GC33-6533 VSE/ESA: REXX/VSE Licensed Program Specifications
SK2T-0063 VSE/ESA: REXX/VSE V1R1 Online Product Library
SC33-6642 VSE/ESA: VSE/REXX Reference (VSE Central functions)
SC24-5708 AIX/6000: AIX REXX/6000 Reference
SH24-5286 IBM REXX for Netware Reference Guide
SH21-0482 REXX Development System for CICS/ESA and REXX Runtime
Facility for CICS/ESA Guide and Reference
| S83G-9228 PC DOS 7: REXX User's Guide and Reference
| SG24-4825 Object REXX for Windows NT/95 (Ueli Wahli et al)
Applications and other REXX-related books
GG24-1615 Using REXX in Practice: EXEC2 to REXX Conversion Experiences
GG24-3401 REXX/EXEC Migration To VM/XA SP
SC33-0478 GDDM REXX Guide
SR21-0864 SRA VM Using the CMS System Product Interpreter
SH20-7051 VM/SP System Product Interpreter: SQL/Data System
Interface: Program Description/Operations Manual
GG66-3144 NetView Release 3: REXX Presentation Guide -- Gibbons
& Quigley
SC31-6135 NetView Customization -- Writing Command Lists
GG66-3158 CMS Pipelines Tutorial -- Hartmann, Kraines, and Lynn
GR28-2920 CUA 2001 VM Applications Core Functions Programmer's
Reference Guide (CUA support for VM REXX applications)
SC23-3803 Using REXX to Access OpenEdition MVS Services
| SC23-3501 OS/390 Internet BonusPak II: Web Programming