Книги по Object Rexx

     Object REXX (объектный REXX) — объектно-ориентированный скриптовый язык, основанный на языке REXX, созданный корпорацией IBM первоначально для операционных систем серий OS/2 и OS/390. Object REXX и Classic REXX входит в штатный комплект поставки eCS (OS/2), начиная c Warp4.

     2004 IBM выпустила Object REXX как программное обеспечение с открытым кодом, положив начало проекту Open Object REXX, ныне доступному для различных операционных систем: Linux, Solaris, Windows.

     Язык Open Object REXX является расширением классического REXX, включающим классы, объекты и методы. Основные возможности ooREXX:

  • поддержка ООП (наследование, полиморфизм, инкапсуляция); это не замещает функции классического REXX и не препятствуют разработке и исполнению программ на классическом REXX (вы решаете сами, когда использовать ООП);
  • полная совместимость с классическим REXX; программы на классическом REXX будут работать без изменения, ooREXX полностью совместим с более ранними версиями IBM интерпретаторов REXX; ooREXX обеспечивает стандартный API REXX для разработки внешних библиотек функций, написанных на Cи;
  • поддержка COM;
  • тесная интеграция с Windows Script Host;
  • встроенные возможности для работы со строками, двоичными и шестнадцатеричными данными, base64, ассоциативными массивами, чтение и запись текстовых и бинарных файлов;
  • встроенные расширения для работы с TCP/IP, FTP, математическими функциями, построения GUI;
  • поддержка других внешних dll-расширений;

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1 Automation of Windows Applications with Object Rexx https://wi.wu-wien.ac.at pdf, dll, примеры https://wi.wu-wien.ac.at
Автор Florian Helmecke Дата 2003
This master thesis with the subject “Automation of Windows Applications with Object Rexx” is a reference work. It will help in obtaining solutions to Automation problems with Object Rexx. Object Rexx code examples explain many fields of the Automation technology. This paper was written for the Associate Professorship of Computer Science in Economics III and New Media of Prof. Dr. Rony G. Flatscher at the University of Augsburg.
First, there is an introduction to the Component Object Model. After that, the ActiveX Automation technology is explained theoretically and then practically with Object Rexx samples. Often the Object Rexx samples are explained with the source code of another language like Visual Basic Script. It will help solve Automation problems with Object Rexx through the comparative analysis of possible solutions. This is necessary because in the most cases there is only Visual Basic Script and no Object Rexx instruction available. Also included in this paper is a list of sources for more information, a description of tools and an introduction of the embedding of Object Rexx in HTML/XML. The Object Rexx OLEObject class is described with examples. The Automation technology is explained by Microsoft Office components, the MS Agent technology, MS Speech technology, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Windows Script Host (WSH). These technologies are described theoretically and then practically with Object Rexx scripts. Then there is an introduction to MS.NET and a description of access possibilities of MS.NET functions with Object Rexx or other languages via OLE. This is significant because Object Rexx has no language compiler for the .NET Framework. In the end are some examples, which describe how to use this technology in the economical environment.
The terms ActiveX and OLE are used synonym. All Object Rexx scripts have Visual Basic, Visual Basic Script or JScript codes as draft. Each Object Rexx script can also be written with these languages.
2 Object Rexx and windows automation interface   pdf  
Автор Rony G. Flatscher Дата 2004
In the Windows world the scripting respectively remote controlling of Windows and Windows applications is usually realized via the COM-based OLE/ActiveXAutomation Interfaces. Unfortunately, many times the documentation of the available interfaces is either not available or in a form which does not serve very well as reference for Object REXX programmers.
Usually, the available OLE/ActiveX-interfaces can be interrogated and therefore it becomes possible to analyze the interfaces (functions/methods with their signatures and return values as well as interceptable events) at runtime. This article describes the architecture of a set of Object REXX programs for interrogating and rendering the documented interfaces into HTML employing CSS and embedding Object REXX code. For non-Object REXX programmers a Windows Script Component (WSC) is devised, which allows e.g. C++, Visual Basic (Script) programmers to employ this particular functionality, which is implemented in Object REXX.
Exploiting the scriptability of the Internet Explorer it is applied as a GUI for some of the presented interrogation applications.
3 Object Rexx for Windows. Object REXX for Windows (RxMath)   pdf  
Автор IBM Дата 2001
RxMath is a REXX utility package that enables you to use enhanced mathematical functions.
The function names in the REXX Mathematical Functions package are similar to the names of their corresponding mathematical functions.
The precision of calculation depends on:
* The value specified when the command is issued
* The numeric digits settings of the calling REXX activity
4 Object Rexx for Windows. OODialog Method Reference   pdf  
Автор IBM Дата 2001
This book describes the OODialog class library in Object REXX for Windows Version 2.1, and how to use it to program user interfaces.
This book is intended for Object REXX programmers who want to design graphical user interfaces for their applications.
This book is structured in two parts.
Part 1 is a tutorial. It is organized as a guided tour through different functions and classes and uses examples that are enhanced from chapter to chapter.
Part 2 is intended as reference material. It describes the classes and methods in detail.
5 Object Rexx for Windows. Programming Guide   pdf  
Автор IBM Дата 2001
This book describes the Object-Oriented REstructured eXtended eXecutor, or Object REXX programming language. In the following, it is called REXX unless compared to its traditional predecessor.
This book is aimed at developers familiar with Windows® who want to use REXX for object-oriented programming, or a mix of traditional and object-oriented programming.
This book assumes you are already familiar with the techniques of traditional structured programming, and uses them as a springboard for quickly understanding REXX and, in particular, Object REXX. This approach is designed to help experienced programmers get involved quickly with the REXX language, exploit its virtues, and become productive fast.
Anyone interested in getting a basic understanding of object-oriented concepts should read this book. Experienced programmers can learn about the REXX language and how it is like and unlike other structured programming languages. Programmers who want to broaden their programming knowledge
can learn object-oriented programming with REXX. Users already experienced with REXX can learn about object-oriented programming (OO) in general, and OO programming with REXX in particular.
Programmers who want to make their applications (typically coded in C) scriptable by REXX, extend the REXX language, or control REXX scripts from other applications should read the application programming interface (API) information.
6 Object Rexx for Windows. Reference   pdf  
Автор IBM Дата 2001
This book describes the Object REXX Interpreter, called interpreter or language processor in the following, and the Object-Oriented REstructured eXtended eXecutor (REXX) language.
This book is intended for people who plan to develop applications using REXX. Its users range from the novice, who might have experience in some programming language but no REXX experience, to the experienced application developer, who might have had some experience with Object REXX.
This book is a reference rather than a tutorial. It assumes you are already familiar with object-oriented programming concepts.
Descriptions include the use and syntax of the language and explain how the language processor “interprets” the language as a program is running.
7 Object Rexx for Windows. REXX FTP Library Functions (RxFtp)   pdf, scripts  
Автор IBM Дата 2001
RxFtp is a REXX File Transfer Protocol (FTP) application program interface (API) package that provides access to FTP commands from your REXX program. This documentation covers version 2.3 of the RxFtp API.
The RxFtp function names are similar to those of their corresponding FTP commands. It is assumed that you are familiar with the basic FTP. For information on the FTP commands, refer to the TCP/IP or FTP documentation provided with your operating system.
The RxFtp package requires TCP/IP support to be active on your system.
The FTP client runs on your local system and the FTP server runs on a remote system.
8 Object Rexx for Windows. REXX TCP/IP Socket Library Functions (RxSock)   pdf  
Автор IBM Дата 2001
RxSock is a REXX function package providing access to the TCP/IP socket APIs available to the C programming environment. Most of the functions described in this reference are similar to the corresponding C functions available in the TCP/IP socket library.
It is assumed that you are familiar with the basic socket APIs and can reference those specific to the system. For more information, refer to the book Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume I: Principles, Protocols and Architecture by Douglas Comer (Prentice Hall PTR).
The RxSock package requires TCP/IP support to be active on your system.
9 Object Rexx for Linux. Reference   pdf  
Автор IBM Дата 2001
This book describes the Object REXX Interpreter, called interpreter or language processor in the following, and the Object-Oriented REstructured eXtended eXecutor (REXX) language.
The following versions of Object REXX for Linux are documented here:
* Object REXX for Linux for Intel® Version
* Object REXX for Linux for S/390® Version
* Object REXX for Linux for PowerPC® Version
This book is intended for people who plan to develop applications using REXX. Its users range from the novice, who might have experience in some programming language but no REXX experience, to the experienced application developer, who might have had some experience with Object REXX.
This book is a reference rather than a tutorial. It assumes you are already familiar with object-oriented programming concepts.
Linux for Intel, Linux for S/390, and Linux for PowerPC are hereafter referred to as Linux.
Descriptions include the use and syntax of the language and explain how the language processor “interprets” the language as a program is running.
10 Object Rexx for OS/2 Rexx. Bytes Objects Now or Taking the 'Oh, oh!' out of OO   pdf  
Автор IBM Дата 1996
Object orientation (OO) is a topic of great interest and concern today. Some developers who use OO claim that it significantly increases productivity; others view it as good for rocket science, not for business.
Many OO languages seem complicated and alien to programmers familiar with procedural languages such as COBOL. This book introduces Object REXX, a new OO language that breaks the OO barrier. Object REXX is based on a tried and trusted language used around the world today. Because it has the most complete and easy-to-use set of OO features of any language, it offers a simple way for programmers with a procedural background to enter the new world of objects. Object REXX also supports distributed objects written in many other languages through Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) technologies, such as IBM¢s System Object Model (SOM).
This book demonstrates a practical approach to using Object REXX and OO techniques to develop commercial systems to meet changing business requirements. It tells the story of how Hanna, Steve, and Curt design and implement a commercial application system step-by-step using object persistence in file systems and relational databases, GUI builders, existing SOM-based objects, the OS/2 Workplace Shell, and Internet Web pages. Extensive code examples are provided to illustrate every step.
11 Object REXX for Windows NT and Windows 95. With OODialog Windows Dialog Interface https://publib-b.boulder.ibm.com pdf, дополнительный материал  
Автор IBM Redbooks Дата 1997
Object orientation (OO) is a topic of great interest and concern today. Some developers who use OO claim that it significantly increases productivity; others view it as good for rocket science, not for business.
Many OO languages seem complicated and alien to programmers familiar with procedural languages, such as COBOL. This book introduces Object REXX, a new OO language that breaks the OO barrier. Object REXX is based on a tried-and-trusted language used around the world today. Because it has the most complete and easy-to-use set of OO features of any language, it offers a simple way for programmers with a procedural background to enter the new world of objects.
This book demonstrates a practical approach to using Object REXX and OO techniques to develop commercial systems that meet changing business requirements. It tells the story of how Hanna, Steve, and Curt design and implement a commercial application system step by step, using object persistence in file systems and relational databases, graphical user interface (GUI) builders, and Internet Web pages. Extensive code examples are provided to illustrate every step.