Progress indicator for REXX programs

Дата: 1997

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/*----- RxShowMe v1.2: Progress indicator for REXX programs.        -----*/
/*-----                                                             -----*/
/*----- Sample program to show usage of ShowProg routine.           -----*/
/*-----                                                             -----*/
/*----- To use this in another program, just setup the sp. variables-----*/
/*----- as shown in the Initialize routine, and include the ShowProg-----*/
/*----- procedure (not this whole file) in your program.  When your -----*/
/*----- status variables change, call ShowProg to update the screen.-----*/
/*-----                                                             -----*/
/*----- Change History                                              -----*/
/*-----                                                             -----*/
/*----- 05/10/94 Version 1.0 released to OS/2 tools.  A few bugs    -----*/
/*-----          getting off the ground ...                         -----*/
/*----- 05/11/94 Version 1.1 - bug fixes for 1.0                    -----*/
/*----- 05/13/94 Version 1.2                                        -----*/
/*-----          - Added progress indicator bar.  It just updates   -----*/
/*-----            each time ShowProg is called.  For it to be      -----*/
/*-----            really useful, i.e. display % done, you need to  -----*/
/*-----            build in the logic based on whatever your program-----*/
/*-----            is doing.  ShowProg has no way of knowing what   -----*/
/*-----            you are doing, or how far along you are.  You'd  -----*/
/*-----            probably want to base it on expected elapsed     -----*/
/*-----            time, steps completed, lines read/written, or    -----*/
/*-----            something like that.                             -----*/
/*-----          - Can now use elapsed time, progress bar, either   -----*/
/*-----            one, both, or none - see init section for flags  -----*/
/*-----          - Added little menu up front for sample display    -----*/
/*-----            mode                                             -----*/
/*-----          - Added more colours in init section for prog bar  -----*/
/*-----          - Changed sample delay statements to use SysSleep  -----*/
/*-----          - Changed to loop forever until you CTL+C.  If you -----*/
/*-----            want it to go faster, rem out the sleeps         -----*/

call Initialize

/*----- See which mode to display in -----*/

say 'RxShowMe includes an elapsed time counter and progress'
say 'bar by default.  Select another option to change it, or'
say "'Q' to quit."
say '1. Show elapsed time - no progress bar'
say '2. Show progress bar - no elapsed time'
say "3. Don't show either elapsed time or progress bar"
say 'Which one?'
pull mode
sp.show_elapsed = 1
sp.show_pbar = 1
   when mode = 1 then sp.show_pbar = 0
   when mode = 2 then sp.show_elapsed = 0
   when mode = 3 then do
      sp.show_elapsed = 0
      sp.show_pbar = 0
   when mode = 'q' | mode = 'Q' then exit
   otherwise nop

/*----- Some sample info to display -----*/

file.0 = 3
file.1 = 'CONFIG.SYS'
desc.1 = 'OS/2 initialization file'
file.2 = 'PROTOCOL.INI'
desc.2 = 'LAPS initialization file'
file.3 = 'IBMLAN.INI'
desc.3 = 'LAN initialization file'

/*----- Run ShowProg for the first time -----*/

file_name = ''
file_desc = ''
status = ''
showprog_info = 'This sample runs forever; CTL+C to quit'
call ShowProg 'INIT'

/*----- Sample main loop -----*/

err_count = 0
do forever
   do i=1 to file.0
      file_name = file.i
      file_desc = desc.i
      status = 'Processing 'file_name' file'
      call ShowProg

      /*----- Dummy wait so you can see what's happening -----*/

      call SysSleep 1

      /*----- Show a simulated error message -----*/

      err_count = err_count + 1
      if err_count = 10 then do
         status = 'Simulated ERROR!!!'
         call ShowProg
         call SysSleep 2
         err_count = 0

status = 'Done!'
call ShowProg

/*----- ShowProg: Show progress                                     -----*/

ShowProg: procedure expose sp. (sp.vals)
arg action

call SysCurState 'OFF'
if action = 'INIT' then do

   /*----- Set start time if first run through here -----*/

   if sp.show_elapsed = 1 & sp.start = '' then sp.start = time('S')

   /*----- Set column widths, using 12 as a base -----*/
   /*----- (length of "Elapsed time")            -----*/

   if sp.show_elapsed = 1 then sp.col_1 = 12
   else sp.col_1 = 0
   do i=1 to sp.line.0
      if length(sp.line.desc.i) > sp.col_1 then
         sp.col_1 = length(sp.line.desc.i)
   sp.col_1 = sp.col_1 + 2
   sp.col_2 = sp.width - sp.col_1 - 7
   sp.col2_start = sp.col_1 + 5

   /*----- Set top and bottom lines -----*/

   sp.top_line = sp.clr.main||'Ъ'||copies('Д',sp.col_1+2)||'В'|| ,
      center(sp.clr.hi||' 'sp.line.title' '||sp.clr.main,sp.col_2+19,'Д')|| ,
   sp.bot_line = sp.clr.main||'А'||copies('Д',sp.col_1+2)||'Б'|| ,
   call SysCls

   /*----- Draw the box and left-hand column -----*/

   scr_pos = SysCurPos(2,0)
   say sp.top_line
   do i=1 to sp.line.0
      say sp.clr.main||'і '||right(sp.line.desc.i,sp.col_1,' ')||' і '|| ,
         copies(' ',sp.col_2-2)||' і'||sp.clr.norm

   /*----- Elapsed time line -----*/

   if sp.show_elapsed = 1 then do
      say sp.clr.main||'і '||right('Elapsed time',sp.col_1,' ')||' і '|| ,
         copies(' ',sp.col_2-2)||' і'||sp.clr.norm

   /*----- Progress bar -----*/

   if sp.show_pbar = 1 then do
      if sp.show_elapsed = 0 then do
         say sp.clr.main||'Г'||copies('Д',sp.col_1+1)||'ДБД'|| ,
         say sp.clr.main||'і '||copies(' ',sp.width-6)||' і'||sp.clr.norm
         sp.bar_start = 1
         sp.bar_len = sp.width - 4
      else do
         sp.bar_start = sp.col2_start + 9
         sp.bar_len = sp.width - sp.col2_start - 13
      sp.bar_spot = sp.bar_start
   if sp.show_elapsed = 1 & sp.show_pbar = 1 then
      say sp.clr.main||'Г'||copies('Д',sp.col_1+1)||'ДБД'|| ,
      else say sp.clr.main||'Г'||copies('Д',sp.width - 4)||'ґ'||sp.clr.norm
   say sp.clr.main||'і '||copies(' ',sp.width-6)||' і'||sp.clr.norm
   say sp.clr.main||'А'||copies('Д',sp.width-4)||'Щ'||sp.clr.norm

/*----- Display new status info -----*/

row = 3

/*----- Status lines -----*/

do i=1 to sp.line.0
   scr_pos = SysCurPos(row,sp.col2_start)
   say sp.clr.main||left(value(sp.line.stat.i),sp.col_2-2,' ')||sp.clr.norm
   row = row + 1

/*----- Elapsed time -----*/

if sp.show_elapsed = 1 then do
   scr_pos = SysCurPos(row,sp.col2_start)
   time_now = time('S')
   time_elapsed = time_now - sp.start

   hrs = (time_elapsed/60) / 60
   hh = max(0,format(hrs-.5,,0))
   mins = (time_elapsed - ((hh*60)*60)) / 60
   mm = max(0,format(mins-.5,,0))
   secs = time_elapsed - ((hh*60)*60) - (mm*60)
   ss = max(0,format(secs,,0))

   show_et = right(hh,2,'0')||':'||right(mm,2,'0')||':'right(ss,2,'0')
   say sp.clr.main||show_et

/*----- Progress bar -----*/

if sp.show_pbar = 1 then do
   if sp.show_elapsed = 1 then scr_pos = SysCurPos(row,sp.bar_spot)
   else scr_pos = SysCurPos(row+1,sp.bar_spot)

   /*----- Which colour? -----*/

      when sp.bar_num > 21 then this_clr = sp.clr.yel
      when sp.bar_num > 14 then this_clr = sp.clr.grn
      when sp.bar_num > 7 then this_clr = sp.clr.blu
      otherwise this_clr =

   /*----- Which bar (shade) number? -----*/

   if sp.bar_num < 8 then this_bar = sp.bar_num
   else do
      max_this_group = format((sp.bar_num / 7)+.5,,0) * 7
      this_bar = 8 - (max_this_group - sp.bar_num + 1)
      if this_bar = 0 then this_bar = 7

   if this_bar = 1 | this_bar = 7 then say this_clr'°'sp.clr.main
   if this_bar = 2 | this_bar = 6 then say this_clr'±'sp.clr.main
   if this_bar = 3 | this_bar = 5 then say this_clr'І'sp.clr.main
   if this_bar = 4 then say this_clr'Ы'sp.clr.main

   /*----- Cycle back to beginning if through this one -----*/

   if sp.bar_num = 28 then sp.bar_num = 1
      else sp.bar_num = sp.bar_num + 1

   /*----- Output the bar -----*/

   if sp.bar_spot = sp.bar_start + sp.bar_len - 1 then do
      if sp.show_elapsed = 1 then scr_pos = SysCurPos(row,sp.bar_start)
      else scr_pos = SysCurPos(row+1,sp.bar_start)
      say copies(' ',sp.bar_len)
      sp.bar_spot = sp.bar_start
   else sp.bar_spot = sp.bar_spot + 1


/*----- Last info line, full width of box -----*/

if sp.show_elapsed = 0 & sp.show_pbar = 1 then scr_pos = SysCurPos(row+3,2)
else scr_pos = SysCurPos(row+2,2)
if pos('ERROR',translate(value(sp.line.last))) > 0 then do
   stat_clr = sp.clr.err
   call Beep 1500, 100
else stat_clr = sp.clr.hi
say stat_clr||left(value(sp.line.last),sp.width-6,' ')||sp.clr.norm


/*----- Initialize: Initialize routine                              -----*/


/*---- Need the following REXX util func -----*/

if RxFuncQuery('SysLoadFuncs') then do
   call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'REXXUTIL', 'SysLoadFuncs'
   call SysLoadFuncs

sp. = ''                               /* Array for ShowProg's use           */
sp.show_elapsed = 1                    /* 1=show elapsed time                */
sp.show_pbar    = 1                    /* 1=show progress bar                */
sp.width = 65                          /* Width of progress box              */
sp.bar_num = 1                         /* Initialize progress bar            */

sp.line.title = 'RxShowMe v1.2 05/13/94' /* Title line                       */
sp.line.last = 'status'                /* Variable name for status message   */
                                       /*     on bottom line                 */

sp.line.0 = 3                          /* Number of detail lines             */
sp.line.desc.1 = 'Info'                /* Text description for 1st line      */
sp.line.stat.1 = 'showprog_info'       /* Variable name for info on 1sd line */
sp.line.desc.2 = 'Processing file'     /* Text description for 2nd line      */
sp.line.stat.2 = 'file_name'           /* Variable name for info on 2nd line */
sp.line.desc.3 = 'Description'         /* Text description for 3rd line      */
sp.line.stat.3 = 'file_desc'           /* Variable name for info on 3rd line */

/*----- List of variable names to expose to ShowProg routine -----*/

sp.vals = sp.line.last
do i=1 to sp.line.0
   sp.vals = sp.vals||' '||sp.line.stat.i

/*----- Screen colours -----*/

sp.clr.norm = d2c(27)||d2c(91)||"0m"         /* default screen colour        */
sp.clr.main = d2c(27)||d2c(91)||"1;37;40m"   /* white on black               */
sp.clr.hi   = d2c(27)||d2c(91)||"1;36;40m"   /* cyan on black                */
sp.clr.err  = d2c(27)||d2c(91)||"1;37;41m"   /* red on white                 */  = d2c(27)||d2c(91)||"1;31;40m"
sp.clr.grn  = d2c(27)||d2c(91)||"1;32;40m"
sp.clr.yel  = d2c(27)||d2c(91)||"1;33;40m"
sp.clr.blu  = d2c(27)||d2c(91)||"1;34;40m"
sp.clr.mag  = d2c(27)||d2c(91)||"1;35;40m"
