UnPack ClipArt (MPF)
Дата: 2008
Скачать в ZIP архиве.
/* UnPack ClipArt (MPF) */
'@echo off'
say ''
if ARG() = 0 then Return Usage()
x_range.d_code = xrange( '0'x, '3f'x )
x_range.s_code = xrange( 'A', 'Z' ) || xrange( 'a', 'z' ) || xrange( '0', '9' ) || '+/'
f_data = file_read( strip( ARG(1) ) )
f_data = xml_tag_parser( f_data, 'D:multistatus', 'clipgallery' )
call rxMeter 1, 1, 50, 'Reading '||ARG(1)
do while length( f_data ) > 0
temp_f_data = xml_tags_parser( f_data, 'D:response', 'D:propstat', 'D:prop' )
f_data = xml_dispose_tag( f_data, 'D:response' )
/* clp.subject = xml_tags_parser( temp_f_data, 'C:subject' )
clp.xsubject = xml_tags_parser( temp_f_data, 'C:xsubject' )
clp.collections = xml_tags_parser( temp_f_data, 'C:collections' )
clp.type = xml_tags_parser( temp_f_data, 'C:type' )
clp.width = xml_tags_parser( temp_f_data, 'C:width' )
clp.height = xml_tags_parser( temp_f_data, 'C:height' )*/
clp.f_name = xml_tags_parser( temp_f_data, 'C:filepath' )
call rxMeter size.tot - length( f_data ), size.tot, 50, left( 'Total', length( clp.f_name ) + 9 )
temp_f_data = DeCodeB64( xml_tag_parser( xml_tags_parser( temp_f_data, 'C:resource' ), 'C:contents', 'base64' ) )
call file_save clp.f_name, temp_f_data
call rxMeter 1, 1, 50, 'Done.'
Return 0
rxMeter: procedure
progress = ARG(3) * ARG(1) % ARG(2)
progress = ARG(4)||' '||copies( 'Ы', progress )||copies( '°', ARG(3) - progress )||right( 100 * ARG(1) % ARG(2)||'%', 4 )
progress = left( progress, 80 )
say progress||copies( d2c(8), 81 )
Return 0
file_save: procedure
if STREAM( ARG(1), 'C', 'QUERY EXIST' ) = '' then
call charout ARG(1), ARG(2)
else Return 1
Return 0
file_read: procedure expose size.
curr_time = TIME( 'R' )
if STREAM( ARG(1), 'C', 'QUERY EXIST' ) <> '' then
size.tot = STREAM( ARG(1), 'C', 'QUERY SIZE' )
call STREAM ARG(1), 'C', 'OPEN READ'
f_data = linein( ARG(1) )
do while lines( ARG(1) ) > 0
if curr_time + 1 < TIME( 'E' ) then
call rxMeter length( f_data ), size.tot, 50, 'Reading '||ARG(1)
curr_time = TIME( 'E' )
f_data = f_data||strip( strip( linein( ARG(1) ),, d2c(9) ),, '=' )
call STREAM ARG(1), 'C', 'CLOSE'
else Return ''
Return f_data
xml_dispose_tag: procedure
retval = ARG(1)
interpret 'parse value retval with ."<'||ARG(2)||'>".""retval'
Return retval
xml_tags_parser: procedure
retval = ARG(1)
do i = 2 to ARG()
interpret 'parse value retval with ."<'||ARG(i)||'>"retval"".'
Return retval
xml_tag_parser: procedure
retval = ARG(1)
interpret 'parse value retval with ."<'||ARG(2)||'"jmf_1">"retval"".'
if pos( translate( ARG(3) ), translate( jmf_1 ) ) = 0 & pos( translate( ARG(3) ), translate( jmf_2 ) ) = 0 then
Return ''
Return retval
DeCodeB64: procedure expose x_range. clp.
curr_time = TIME( 'R' )
xml_data = translate( ARG(1), '0000'x, '0d0a'x )
l64 = length( xml_data )
if l64 = 0 then
Return -1 /* Nothing to extract */
retval = x2b( c2x( translate( xml_data, x_range.d_code, x_range.s_code ) ) )
t64 = length( retval )
drop f_data
f_data = ''
ChkSum = 0
do while retval \= ''
if curr_time + 1 < TIME( 'E' ) then
call rxMeter length( f_data ), t64, 50, 'Decoding '||clp.f_name
curr_time = TIME( 'E' )
parse var retval +2 bin.0 +6 +2 bin.1 +6 +2 bin.2 +6 +2 bin.3 +6 +2 bin.4 +6 +2 bin.5 +6 +2 bin.6 +6 +2 bin.7 +6 +2 bin.8 +6 +2 bin.9 +6 +2 bin.10 +6 +2 bin.11 +6 retval
f_data = f_data || bin.0 || bin.1 || bin.2 || bin.3 || bin.4 || bin.5 || bin.6 || bin.7 || bin.8 || bin.9 || bin.10 || bin.11
xml_data = x2c( b2x( left( f_data, length( f_data ) % 8 * 8 ) ) )
Return xml_data
Usage: procedure
say 'Usage: rxClipArt x:\path\to\multipackage\ClipArt.mpf'
Return 0