TSO/E REXX Reference

Автор: IBM

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Who should read this document

This document supports z/OS® (5694–A01) and z/OS.e (5655–G52).

This document describes the z/OS TSO/E REXX Interpreter (hereafter referred to as the interpreter or language processor) and the REstructured eXtended eXecutor (called REXX) language. Together, the language processor and the REXX language are known as TSO/E REXX. This document is intended for experienced programmers, particularly those who have used a block-structured, high-level language (for example, PL/I, Algol, or Pascal).

TSO/E REXX is the implementation of SAA® REXX on the MVS™ system. Although TSO/E provides support for REXX, you can run REXX programs (called REXX execs) in any MVS address space. That is, you can run a REXX exec in TSO/E and non-TSO/E address spaces.

Descriptions include the use and syntax of the language and explain how the language processor “interprets” the language as a program is running. The document also describes TSO/E external functions and REXX commands you can use in a REXX exec, programming services that let you interface with REXX and the language processor, and customizing services that let you customize REXX processing and how the language processor accesses and uses system services, such as storage and I/O requests.

How to use this document

This document is a reference rather than a tutorial. It assumes you are already familiar with REXX programming concepts. The material in this document is arranged in chapters:

1. Chapter 1, “Introduction,” on page 1

2. Chapter 2, “REXX general concepts,” on page 5

3. Chapter 3, “Keyword instructions,” on page 45 (in alphabetic order)

4. Chapter 4, “Functions,” on page 83 (in alphabetic order)

5. Chapter 5, “Parsing,” on page 169 (a method of dividing character strings, such as commands)

6. Chapter 6, “Numbers and arithmetic,” on page 183

7. Chapter 7, “Conditions and condition traps,” on page 193

8. Chapter 8, “Using REXX in different address spaces,” on page 199

9. Chapter 9, “Reserved keywords, special variables, and command names,” on page 209

10. Chapter 10, “TSO/E REXX commands,” on page 213

11. Chapter 11, “Debug aids,” on page 249

12. Chapter 12, “TSO/E REXX programming services,” on page 257

13. Chapter 13, “TSO/E REXX customizing services,” on page 333

14. Chapter 14, “Language Processor Environments,” on page 341

15. Chapter 15, “Initialization and termination routines,” on page 413

16. Chapter 16, “Replaceable routines and exits,” on page 431


There are several appendixes covering:

* Appendix A, “Double-byte character set (DBCS) support,” on page 477

* Appendix B, “IRXTERMA routine,” on page 493

* Appendix C, “Writing REXX Execs to perform MVS operator activities,” on page 497

* Appendix D, “Additional variables that GETMSG sets,” on page 503


This introduction and Chapter 2, “REXX general concepts” provide general information about the REXX programming language. The two chapters provide an introduction to TSO/E REXX and describe the structure and syntax of the REXX language; the different types of clauses and instructions; the use of expressions, operators, assignments, and symbols; and issuing commands from a REXX program.

Other chapters in the document provide reference information about the syntax of the keyword instructions and built-in functions in the REXX language, and the external functions TSO/E provides for REXX programming. The keyword instructions, built-in functions, and TSO/E external functions are described in Chapter 3, “Keyword instructions,” on page 45 and Chapter 4, “Functions,” on page 83.

Other chapters provide information to help you use the different features of REXX and debug any problems in your REXX programs. These chapters include:

* Chapter 5, “Parsing,” on page 169

* Chapter 6, “Numbers and arithmetic,” on page 183

* Chapter 7, “Conditions and condition traps,” on page 193

* Chapter 9, “Reserved keywords, special variables, and command names,” on page 209

* Chapter 11, “Debug aids,” on page 249


TSO/E provides several REXX commands you can use for REXX processing. The syntax of these commands is described in Chapter 10, “TSO/E REXX commands,” on page 213.

Although TSO/E provides support for the REXX language, you can run REXX execs in any MVS address space (TSO/E and non-TSO/E). Chapter 8, “Using REXX in different address spaces,” on page 199 describes various aspects of using REXX in TSO/E and non-TSO/E address spaces and any restrictions.

In addition to REXX language support, TSO/E provides programming services you can use to interface with REXX and the language processor, and customizing services that let you customize REXX processing and how the language processor accesses and uses system services, such as I/O and storage. The programming services are described in Chapter 12, “TSO/E REXX programming services,” on page 257. The customizing services are introduced in Chapter 13, “TSO/E REXX customizing services,” on page 333 and are described in more detail in the following chapters:

* Chapter 14, “Language Processor Environments,” on page 341

* Chapter 15, “Initialization and termination routines,” on page 413

* Chapter 16, “Replaceable routines and exits,” on page 431


Throughout the document, examples that include data set names are provided. When an example includes a data set name that is enclosed in single quotation marks, the prefix is added to the data set name. In the examples, the user ID is the prefix.


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