VM/ESA GUI Facility Developer's Guide REXX and C++ GUI Programming
Автор: IBM
Дата: 1996
Источник: IBM Redbooks
The face of Virtual Machine/Enterprise Systems Architecture (VM/ESA) has
changed forever with the introduction of the VM/ESA Graphical User Interface
(GUI) Facility.
The main function of the VM/ESA GUI Facility is to provide select CMS
productivity aids to the office environment end user through a graphical
interface. However, the VM/ESA GUI Facility is more than a set of
applications. It is an application program interface (API), available
externally for the development of new applications.
This publication will assist IBM technical professionals and IBM customers in
understanding and developing applications using the VM/ESA GUI Facility API,
called the Distributed GUI Toolkit. This is accomplished through a marketing
overview, design strategies, and many useful working examples. A diskette
included with this publication contains all the source code of the examples
shown throughout this document.
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1. readme.1st
2. sg242542-01.cmspacked.packlib.binary
3. sg242542.exe
4. ws_ftp.log