Библиотека. REXXIO Library Features
Автор: LesTec Pty Ltd
Источник: www.lestec.com.au
Дата: 2016
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REXXIO 8.0 - 252 Functions
- 65 File Functions.
- 13 Directory Functions.
- 9 Search Functions.
- 18 Window Functions.
- 7 Keyboard/Mouse Event Functions.
- 5 REXX Functions.
- 5 Registry Functions.
- 19 Global Stem Variable Functions.
- 25 General Functions.
- 9 Comms Functions.
- 4 Event Functions.
- 9 Internet Functions.
- 57 Graphic Functions.
- 7 Process Functions.
- 2 Email Functions.
File Functions
- newfile - Creates New File.
- removefile - Delete File Filename.
- copyfile - Copies Filename1 to Filename2.
- appendfile - Appends Filename1 to Filename2.
- copycontentsfile - Copies contents of Filename1 to Filename2.
- copytempfile - Copies Filename to a temporary file in temporary directory or Directory if specified.
- movefile - Moves OldFilename to NewFilename.
- reversefile - Reverses line order of all lines in Filename. getfilesize - Returns length of Filename.
- setfilesize - Sets Filename size to Size.
- getshortname (wo) - Gets short path form of a specified path.
- getfullpathname - Returns current directory plus Filename.
- getfullpathname - Returns current directory plus Filename.
- getfilepart - Returns Filename part of Fully Qualified path\name.
- getdirpart - Returns Directory part of Fully Qualified path\name.
- findfile - Returns Fully Qualified path\name of File.
- getnolines - Gets number of lines in Filename.
- getlinepos - Gets position of line LineNumber in file Filename.
- getline - Gets contents of line LineNumber in file Filename.
- getlineatpos* - Gets contents of line at position in file Filename.
- getstring - Gets String from Filename at Position.
- insertstring - Inserts String into Filename at Position.
- insertstringcrlf - Inserts String plus cr/lf at Position in Filename.
- deletestring - Deletes Length chars at Position from Filename.
- insertline - Inserts line into Filename.
- deleteline - Deletes line from Filename.
- insertfile* - Insert Filename at a given point.
- newfilefromposition* - Creates new file NewFilename with data from Position.
- getnocsvcolumns* - Gets the number of columns in a CSV tab or comma delimited line.
- getcsvcolumn* - Gets the nth column entry from a CSV tab or comma delimited line.
- replacecsvcolumn* - Replaces the nth column entry into a CSV tab or comma delimited line.
- newtempfile* - Creates new temporary file.
- existfile* - Tests existence of a file.
- renamefile* - Rename a file.
- addquotestoline* - Add quotes to each end of a line of text
- addsinglequotestoline* - Add single quotes to each end of a line
- adddoublequotestoline* - Add double quotes to each end of a line
- stripquotesfromline* - Strips quotes from each end of a line of text.
- getkeyfromcsvfilecol* - Gets unique key from column in CSV file.
- readfiletostem* - Reads a file into a stem variable.
- insertfilefromstem* - Inserts lines in to a file from a stem variable.
- inusefile* - Tests whether a file is is use.
- getcharatpos* - Gets character at position in file Filename.
- getwordatpos* - Gets word at position in file Filename.
- fixlinefeeds* (wo) - Replaces single line feeds with carriage return line feed.
- fixlinefeedsrememptylines* (wo) - Replaces single line feeds with carriage return line feed and removes empty lines.
- getfilereplacetext* (wo) - Replace all occurrences of one string with another.
- importfilestofile* - Imports a list of files into one file.
- exportfilesfromfile* - Exports a list of files from one file.
- delexpfilesfromfile* - Deletes a list of files previously exported from one file.
- createsetupexe* (wo) - Creates a setup executable file.
- readfiletovariable* - Reads a file to a rexx variable.
- openfile* - Open file.
- closefile* - Close file.
- setfilepointer* - Positions a file pointer within a file.
- readfile* - Reads from an open file.
- writefile* - Writes to an open file..
- setendoffile* - Writes an EOF marker to the file.
- emptyfile* - Deletes the contents of a file.
- copytoclipboardfromfile* (wo) - Copy to clipboard from file.
- copytoclipboardfrommle* (wo) - Copy to clipboard from mle.
- pastetomlefromfile* (wo) - Paste to mle from file.
- pastetomlefromclipboard* (wo) - Paste to mle from clipboard.
- pastetofilefrommle* (wo) - Paste to file from mle.
- pastetofilefromclipboard* (wo) - Paste to file from clipboard.
- changemleselectedcharformat* (wo) - Change mle selected character format.
Directory Functions
- cd - Changes current directory to NewDirectory.
- md - Creates directory NewDirectory.
- rd - Removes Directory.
- dirfile - Creates File containing info on Directory\Pattern.
- dirstem - Creates StemVariable containing file info on Directory\Pattern.
- dirfiledir - Creates File containing directory file info on Directory\Pattern.
- dirstemdir - Creates StemVariable containing directory info on Directory\Pattern.
- getshellfolders - Gets all Shell Folders into StemVariable.
- gettempdir - Gets Temp Directory Pathname.
- getcurrentdir - Gets current directory.
- getdesk-topdir - Gets directory for desk-top.
- getdrives - Gets list of logical drives into a Stem Variable.
- existdir* - Tests existence of a directory.
Search Functions
- searchcaseon - Makes string searches in findstring case sensitive.
- searchcaseoff - Makes string searches in findstring non case sensitive.
- findstringtofile - Seaches All files matching FilenamePattern for SearchString to Filename.
- findstringtostem - Seaches All files matching FilenamePattern for SearchString to Stem Variable.
- changestring - Replaces ReplaceString with NewString according to StringInfo.
- filenamefrominfo* - Gets filename from StringInfo.
- startposfrominfo* - Gets start position from StringInfo.
- endposfrominfo* - Gets end position from StringInfo.
- stringfrominfo* - Gets string from StringInfo.
Window Functions
- toplevelwindowlist - List all Top Level Windows in Stem Variable.
- getwindow - Return handle of window with title.
- getwindowwithchild* - Return handle of window with title that contains child with text.
- sendwindowtext - Send text to window.
- sendwindowfile - Send contents of a file to window.
- setwindowpos - Set window position.
- getwindowpos - Get window position.
- setwindowtopmost* (wo) - Place window above all non-topmost windows.
- setwindownormal* (wo) - Place window above all non-topmost windows, behind all topmost windows.
- setwindowbottom* (wo) - Place window at bottom of Z order.
- getforegroundwindow* - Get window in the foreground.
- setforegroundwindow* - Place window in the foreground.
- getwindowtitle* - Get window title.
- setwindowtitle* - Set window title.
- getwindowvariable* - Get contents of a window to a variable.
- getwindowfile* - Get contents of a window to a file.
- getchildwindows (wo) - Get child windows of a window.
- getdesktopwindow (wo) - Get desktop window.
Keyboard/Mouse Event Functions
- sendmouseevent - Sends a mouse event.
- starteventscapture - Captures all subsequent Mouse and Keyboard Events to Filename.
- stopeventscapture - Stops capture of events started by starteventscapture.
- removelastevent - Removes last event from Filename.
- setcapslockon - Sets Caps Lock ON.
- setcapslockoff - Sets Caps Lock OFF.
- setcoordwindow - Sets all following co-ordinates relative to a window.
REXX Functions
- runrexxscript - Executes REXXScript with optional arguments.
- runrexxscriptwindow (wo) - Executes REXXScript as a separate process in a window.
- runrexxscriptmin (wo) - Executes REXXScript as a separate process in a minimised window.
- runtempMAIDscript* - Executes temporary copy of a MAID script.
- runtempMAIDmultiscript* - Executes temporary copy of a MAID script from a multiscript file.
Registry Functions
- dirregistry - Creates StemVariable containing info on Registry.
- getkeyvalues - Create StemVariable with Key values for Registry.
- setkeyvalue - Modifies/Creates key value/data - creates key if it does not exist.
- deletekey - Deletes an existing key.
- deletekeyvalue - Deletes value from a key.
Global Stem Variable Functions
- writestemlist - Write to stemlist.
- readstemlist - Read from stemlist.
- writeallstemlist - Clears stemlist and writes all stem variables to stemlist.
- readallstemlist - Reads all stem variable from stemlist and leaves items on the list.
- peekstemlist - Read from stemlist.
- readstemlistitem - Read item from stemlist.
- peekstemlistitem - Read item from stemlist.
- stemlisttofile - Dump stemlist to a file.
- stemlistfromfile - Import file entries to stemlist.
- stemvartofile - Dump stem variable to a file.
- stemvarfromfile - Import stem variable from file.
- sizeofstemlist - Get no of entries in stemlist.
- freestemlist - Frees existing stemlist.
- getstemtails* - Gets tails of a stem variable.
- reducestemvariable* - Reduces a stem variable by removong all null entries.
- getstemidlist* - Gets a list of all non NULL ID's belonging to a stem in a stemlist.
- getstemtargetlist* - Gets a list of all non NULL target strings belonging to a stem in a stemlist.
- savelocalstems* - Writes local stem variables to local memory.
- restorelocalstems* - Reads local stem variables from local memory.
General Functions
- pause - Pause in milliseconds.
- beep - Beeps at Frequency for Duration milliseconds.
- execute - Executes Filename.
- syscommand* - Executes System Command.
- getosversion - Get operating system version information.
- listprinters (wo) - List available printers to a stem variable.
- getdefaultprinter (wo) - Returns default printer.
- setdefaultprinter (wo) - Set default printer.
- printstring* (wo) - Print string to default printer.
- printfile* (wo) - Print file to default printer.
- playwave (wo) - Play a wave file.
- importwindow* (wo) - Import a desk-top window to become a child of a parent desk-top window.
- exportwindow* (wo) - Export a child desk-top window imported with importwindow.
- validatestringchars* - Validates that a string only contains certain characters.
- removestringchars* - Removes certain characters from a string.
- addfuncfromfile* - Add a list of functions from a file.
- closethreadhandles* (wo) - Close thread handles from non-active threads.
- validatestringformat* - Validate the format of a string.
- getrexxioversion* - Returns the REXXIO version information.
- reformatdatestring* - Reformats a date string.
- messagebeep (wo) - Plays a waveform sound or beeps the system speaker.
- getfiledirattributes - Get the attributes of a file or directory.
- setfiledirattributes - Set the attributes of a file or directory.
- displaymessage - Display a title/message.
- getaui Get an AUI.
- generateaui - Generate a new AUI from an existing AUI.
Comms Functions
- opencommport* (wo) - Open Comm Port.
- closecommport* (wo) - Close Comm Port.
- readcommport* (wo) - Read from Comm Port.
- writecommport* (wo) - Write to Comm Port.
- readcommtofile* (wo) - Read from Comm Port to file.
- stopreadcommtofile* (wo) - Stop Read from Comm Port to file.
- writecommfromfile* (wo) - Write from file to Comm Port.
- writewaitreplycomm* (wo) - Write to Comm Port, and wait for reply.
- clearcommbuffer* (wo) - Flushes the transmit buffer.
Event Functions
- whenwinchildsettitle* - When window with title/child created/visible/invisible/destroyed then set window title.
- whenwinchildrunscript* - When window with title/child created/visible/invisible/destroyed then run script.
- whenfilerunscript* - When file created/changed/destroyed then run script.
- whendirrunscript* - When directory created/changed/destroyed then run script.
Internet Functions
- geturl* (wo) - Get an internet url page.
- geturlheader* (wo) - Get an internet url page header data.
- getfiletags* (wo) - Get HTML tags from a file.
- getfiletext* (wo) - Get text without tags from a file.
- getfilealttext* (wo) - Get text without tags from a file and include any alt definitions from the tags
- getnameofhost* (wo) - Get name of host.
- gethostipaddress* (wo) - Get IP address of host.
- geturlipaddress* (wo) - Get IP address from URL.
- geturlstructure* (wo) - Get an internet url page and the pages referenced beneath it.
Graphic Functions
- opengraphicwindow* (wo) - Create a graphic window.
- closegraphicwindow* (wo) - Close a graphic window.
- drawwinline* (wo) - Draw a line between two points.
- drawwinbox* (wo) - Draw a box around a point a given distance from the point.
- anglearc* (wo) - Draws a straight line and an arc.
- arc* (wo) - Draws an elliptical arc.
- arcto* (wo) - Draws an elliptical arc and the current position is updated.
- getarcdirection* (wo) - Returns the current arc direction
- arc and rectangle functions use the arc direction.
- setarcdirection* (wo) - Sets the drawing direction to be used for arc and rectangle functions.
- lineto* (wo) - Draws a line from the current position up to, but not including, the specified point.
- moveto* (wo) - Updates the current position to the specified point and optionally returns the previous position.
- polybezier* (wo) - Draws one or more Bezier curves.
- polybezierto* (wo) - Draws one or more Bezier curves and moves the current position to the ending point of the last Bezier curve.
- polydraw* (wo) - Draws a set of lines and Bezier curves.
- polyline* (wo) - Draws a series of lines by connecting the points specified.
- polylineto* (wo) - Draws one or more lines and moves the current position to the ending point of the last line.
- polypolyline* (wo) - Draws multiple series of connected lines.
- polygon* (wo) - Draws a polygon consisting of two or more points connected by straight lines.
- polypolygon* (wo) - Draws a series of closed polygons.
The polygons drawn by this function can overlap.
- chord* (wo) - Draws a chord (a region bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and a line segment, called a "secant").
- ellipse* (wo) - Draws an ellipse.
The center of the ellipse is the center of the rectangle.
- pie* (wo) - Draws a pie-shaped wedge bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and two radials.
- rectangle* (wo) - Draws a rectangle.
- fillrect* (wo) - Fills a rectangle with the specified color.
- framerect* (wo) - Draws a border (1 unit thick) around the specified rectangle with the specified color.
- invertrect* (wo) - Inverts the color in the area within the specified rectangle.
- roundrect* (wo) - Draws a rectangle with rounded corners.
- textout* (wo) - Writes a character string at the specified location, using the currently selected font.
- drawtext* (wo) - Draws formatted text in the rectangle.
- gettextextent* (wo) - Computes the width and height of the specified string of text.
- settextcolor* (wo) - Sets the text color
- gettextcolor* (wo) - Gets the text color.
- listfonts* (wo) - List available fonts.
- settextfont* (wo) - Sets the text font.
- gettextfont* (wo) - Gets the text font.
- setpen* (wo) - Sets a pen that has the specified style, width, and color.
- setbrush* (wo) - Sets a brush that has the specified color.
- setbackgroundcolor* (wo) - Sets the current background color to the specified color.
- setbackgroundmode* (wo) - Sets the background mix mode.
- setneworigin* (wo) - Sets the new relative window position of the x,y origin (0,0).
- getbitmapsize* (wo) - Gets the dimensions of a bitmap file.
- exportbitmap* (wo) - Exports the rectangle as a bitmap file.
- importbitmap* (wo) - Imports a bitmap file into a rectangle.
- getnumberoficons* (wo) - Gets number of icons in a file.
- exporticon* (wo) - Exports the rectangle as an icon file.
- importicon* (wo) - Imports an icon file into a rectangle.
- copyrectangle* (wo) - Copies a rectangle to the clipboard as a bitmap.
- pasterectangle* (wo) - Pastes a bitmap from the clipboard into the specified rectangle.
- getcurrentpos* (wo) - Gets the current position.
- getscrollpos* (wo) - Gets the current position of the scroll bars.
- getscrollrange* (wo) - Gets the current range of the scroll bars.
- setscrollpos* (wo) - Sets the current scrollbar positions.
- updatedisplayon* (wo) - Sets graphic display on to reflect all drawing in real time.
- updatedisplayoff* (wo) - Sets graphic display off to freeze the display and draw in memory.
- setpixel (wo) - Sets a pixel to a specified color.
- setpixelcloseapprox (wo) Sets a pixel to the closest approximation of a specified color.
- getpixel (wo) -Gets the color of a pixel.
Process Functions
- getprocessinfo - Get process information.
- getprocessmodules (wo) - Get process modules.
- getprocessthreads (wo) - Get process threads.
- getprocessmemory (wo) - Get process memory.
- getprocessheaps (wo) - Get process heaps.
- terminateprocess - Terminate process.
- setprocesspriority (wo) - Set process priority.
Email Functions
- setupsmtp - Setup SMTP.
- sendemail - Send Email.
(wo) - Functions with (wo) after the function name run under windows only and are not supported in the OS/2 library (OS/2 library requires OS/2 Warp 4.0).
* Functions with an asterisk after the function name require a licensed copy of "Modular And Integrated Design" to be installed.