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     Язык REXX придумал сотрудник компании IBM Майк Кулешоу (Mike Cowlishaw) в 1979 году. Сегодня существует девять открытых реализаций REXX. Он поддерживается практически на любой платформе, но изначально был наиболее популярен на платформах IBM: мейнфреймах и ОС OS/2.

      Вот несколько ключевых причин, почему писать программы на REXX так здорово:

  • Богатый набор встроенных функций и методов;
  • Предоставляет два непревзойденных встроенных оператора - TRACE и PARSE;
  • Основная концепция REXX - "все есть строка";
  • Отсутствие типа переменных. Хотя существует понятие тип данных;
  • Наличие составных переменных. То есть имя переменной может состоять из нескольких частей разделенных точкой;
  • Отсутствие классических массивов. Это следствие предыдущего пункта;
  • Арифметические действия любой точности;
  • Наличие стандарта ISO;
  • Отсутствие классических процедур и разницей между ними и функциями. Есть именные участки кода, на которые можно совершить переход и вернуться. При этом к ним можно обраться и как к функции и как к процедуре;
  • Вы можете выполнить команды Windows или Unix/Linux и другие приложения из программы REXX полностью аналогично тому, как это можно сделать в пакетном файле оболочки (если некоторая команда в пределах сценария не может быть опознана интерпретатором, она выполняется как команда оболочки; выполнение команды оболочки можно вызвать и явно); кроме того, в программе REXX можно получить код возврата команды и использовать любой её вывод;
  • Достаточно нестрогие синтаксические правила; одна команда может располагаться на нескольких строках, несколько команд могут располагаться на одной строке; язык регистронезависим; во многих случаях разрешается добавлять или опускать пробелы; ключевые слова зарезервированы только в контексте: например, вы можете иметь переменную с именем, совпадающим с именем встроенной функции.


      Цель создания сайта собрать максимум информации по языку Rexx. Это и литература на всех языках, и интерпретаторы для всех платформ, и архив библиотек.

       Надеюсь, любой найдет здесь интересующую его информацию. А если у Вас есть материал, отсутствующий на данном сайте, просьба связаться со мной и передать для пополнения библиотеки.


Новый материал

10.09.2016 17:22

* Создал раздел "Написание скриптов для Mozilla" и добавил в него 3 книги.

Название Источник Скачать Читать в интернете
1 JavaXPCOM: Mozilla Firefox Scripting pdf 201007_Palkovic_JavaXPCOM_
Автор Martin Palkovic Дата 2010
XPCOM, which stands for Cross Platform Component Object Model, is a framework for writing cross-platform, modular applications. The basic idea of modularization is splitting monolithic software into several smaller pieces, known as components. These components are usually delivered in small, reusable binary libraries (a DLL on Windows, or a DSO on Unix). When there are two or more related components in a library, it is referred to as a module. The goal of XPCOM is to allow different pieces of software that offer different functionality to be developed and built independently of one another.
Breaking software into different components can help development and maintenance be less difficult. Component-based approach to programming has several advantages:
* Reuse: modular code can be reused in other applications and contexts.
* Updates: updating components without having to recompile the whole application.
* Performance: modules that are not needed necessary right away can be "lazy loaded" or not loaded at all. It can improve the performance of an application.
* Maintenance: modular software design can make specific parts of an application easier to find and maintain.
XPCOM enables developers to create components that can be reused in different applications or replaced to change the functionality of existing applications. It does not only support modular software development, it also provides functionality of a development platform, such as file and memory management, threads, basic data structures (strings, arrays, etc.), object message passing or component management. These core libraries and tools enable selective component loading and manipulation.
The most of the XPCOM components are not part of this core set and are available with other parts of the platform (Necko, Gecko) or with an application or even with an extension. For example the networking module, known as “Necko”, is a library of bundled components for each of the network protocols (HTTP, FTP, etc.).
2 Scripting Mozilla Applications with XPCOM and XuL pdf, примеры Mitschek_Bakkalaureatsarbeit
Автор Andreas Mitschek Дата 2008
This bachelor thesis aims to explain the working principles of Mozilla’s extensive component and interface architecture, XPCOM. Nutshell code examples serve as a mean to explain the underlying mechanisms and show the practical use of the different programming and scripting languages. Finally, XPCOM services are accessed and manipulated from within different language environments. The programming language Java and its several bridges to other technologies play a crucial role throughout this thesis.
3 Scripting Mozilla with JavaXPCOM and BSF4ooRexx pdf, примеры ScriptingMozilla-20110810.pdf
Автор Gerald Rauter Дата 2011
This seminar paper tries to show how to script Mozilla components via XPCOM, JavaXPCOM, BSF4ooRexx and ooRexx. The used technologies are explained through summarizing text and Nutshell examples. The goal of this paper is to show the features and possibilities of this approach.


Новый материал

08.09.2016 16:08

* Добавил 17 книг по программированию на Rexx в

Название Источник Скачать Читать в интернете
1 Automated Creation of Guideposts and Hints for Presenters in Impress pdf, примеры OOoImpress_ GundackerDominik.pdf
Автор Dominik Gundacker Дата 2007
 This bachelor paper will give an introduction to the suite, especially the presentation program Impress, and how the scripting language Open Object Rexx can help to automate the use of it.
The result of the automations should make the life easier for presenters and add some extra value to the presentations.
This paper is divided into two parts. The first part will cover the more theoretical and general part of the bachelor thesis. These chapters will address the technical environment including the suite itself, the scripting language Open Object Rexx (ooRexx), the Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) and an overall-view to get familiar with the interaction of those components.
After that, the second part will present some snippets and nutshells that demonstrate the automation of Impress.
The concluding part should give a short summary of the paper. 
2 Automating Open Office – ooRexx Nutshells pdf, примеры 200809_Frysak_Automating_ OOo_ooRexx_Nutshells.pdf
Автор Josef Frysak Дата 2008
This thesis is about automating Open Office using ooRexx. The paper shows how to start a macro inside as well as outside of Open Office and how to prepare examples capable of being run inside and outside of Open Office. It also describes, how to call and address a macro out of another macro or a tool bar.
Furthermore it contains various helpful examples, like importing sourcecode using Vim editor, or creating ooRexx addons out of a Library yourself.
The examples can be downloaded as single and editable versions, or as an oxt addon.
From the foreword: "In this paper automation has the meaning of controlling, i.e.: sending commands to, the Open Office Suite from an external program or directly from within Open Office using a macro. To provide examples of such programing snippets the author used ooRexx. Furthermore many examples within this paper have been taken from Andrew Pitonyaks article "Useful Macro Information For OpenOffice" and translated to ooRexx scripts. Additionally this paper has been enriched by other examples, created by the author. This paper does not serve as a reference book for Open Office API or ooRexx, but it tries to communicate the structure behind it and to demonstrate basic commands to access the Open Office environment as well as the Open Office Writer and Calc program. Another goal of this writing is to create platform independent examples by using URL strings to store paths and by using ooRexx internal functions to convert these URLs to operating system dependent path information."
Extra Materials:
* ODF version of the Bachelor Thesis
* Archive of macros
* Archive of "OXT"-ified macros
* ooRexx-Makros as OXTcomponent (to install macros directly into
* Basic-Makros as OXT component (to install macros directly into
* md5sum text file to allow for checking integrity of files in this directory
3 BNF4OOo - Managing Backus-Naur-Forms with OpenOffice pdf, примеры Hohenegger_BNF4OOo.pdf
Автор Franz Hohenegger Дата 2010
 "This diploma thesis is about a program named BNF4OOo which enables the user to manage different supported BNF-dialects and make own customized BNF-dialects as well. These dialects can be transferred into character-based syntax diagrams and a XML format closely related to IBM's DITA. OpenOffice is used as a graphical inferface for the transformations. This work describes the supported BNF-dialects with their used syntax structures and their implementation in BNF4OOo. Furthermore it introduces the internal logic and structure of BNF4OOo."
Author's thanks: "I want to thank Prof. Dr. Rony G. Flatscher for his great help and support during the creation of this paper. Without his impulses BNF4OOo would not have this set of functions. Furthermore BNF4OOo would not run without his work on BSF4ooRexx and log4rexx. In addition I want to thank Jean-Louis Faucher for showing me IBM's DITA and giving me important information for improving the BNF-parser." 
4 BSF4Rexx and Nutshell-Examples pdf, примеры 20060628_BSF4RexxSnippets _version_4.pdf
Автор Gerhard Görlich, Åsmund Realfsen, David Spanberger Дата 2006
This seminar paper introduces the easy to learn syntax of Open Object Rexx (ooRexx) and the BSF4Rexx external Rexx function package, which allows the weakly typed language ooRexx to interface with (strictly typed) Java.
It defines and explains numerous small (nutshell) examples where the functionality of Java class libraries is used for ooRexx. In addition, the students create examples for automating/scripting the opensource office package (OOo) in an openplatform way using the OOo Java interface for that purpose.
5 Examples for Open Office Automation with Scripting Languages pdf, примеры 200501_BSF-Examples _Augustin.pdf
Автор Walter Augustin Дата 2005
This work explores and demonstrates how can be automated via Object REXX by using the Java programming interfaces of and BSF4Rexx.
This work is not actual anymore, it is left, because some papers of students refer to it..
Attention! Please be aware that these examples may have to be adapted, if the signature of the BSF4Rexx interfaces change; this is possible, because the Vienna version of BSF4Rexx as of 2005-01-31 is still in beta and evolving.
6 Extending The Scripting Abilities Of With BSF And JSR-223 pdf, примеры 200502_Hahnekamp.pdf
Автор Rainer Hahnekamp Дата 2005
This work explores and implements a GUI for editing and deploying scripts to drive in all programming languages that support BSF, i.e. the Java interface framework for deploying scripts written in scripting languages.
In addition it develops a Java class which allows for formatting Java reflection results in HTML and thereby makes it possible to learn about interfaces of Java classes at runtime.
7 Facilitate Data Access in using ooRexx pdf, примеры OODatabase_v4_1_final.pdf
Автор Stefan Schmid Дата 2007
The thesis deals with automation in view of data access using the scripting programming language Open Object Rexx. This data access includes the communication of with external databases, address books and even the creation of forms.
Firstly some theoretically background is given about databases with an focus on relational databases, since they are used in snippets of this thesis. Furthermore some installation instructions are given for the used databases. The next chapter deals witch all the technical prerequisites that are required to accomplish an automation.
After the theoretically requirements have been presented, the following chapters provide several snippets regarding to the access of data sources. They also include examples for automatically creating a predefined query and a form. 
8 Flexible Word Processing Automation with pdf, примеры MA14-FlexibleWordProcessing AutomationWithOOo.pdf
Автор Kauril Michael Дата 2007
The work gives a detailed description of the realisation of the automation project of open source office software conducted in cooperation with the city of Vienna's departments MA 14 and MA 22. It provides a theoretical background in order to get a better understanding of the implementation part of the work. The chapters concerned with theoretic concepts describe the design of and gives information about the API of OOo and the used programming language. It also gives information about the system requirements concerning installed software. The practical part describes in detail the realisation and gives explanations to every part of the programming code.
9 ooRexx Snippets for Writer pdf, примеры 20060724_ooRexxSnippets OOoWriter_2.1_odt.pdf
Автор Matthias Prem Дата 2006
This paper deals with the use of ooRexx as a scripting language for automation of Writer.
At first, there will be an introduction to the technical requirements, which include the software that has to be installed. Concerning ooRexx there is also a sub chapter about its syntax and common instructions, to give a feeling for this programming language.
The next chapter is about the architectural approach behind ooRexx and It is described how can be accessed using ooRexx.
Chapter four is a small installation guide, which shows how to set up the different software programmes and configure them correctly. Chapter five and six show how the automation of Writer can be done. Small snippets, which are code examples, demonstrate different tasks. At last the conclusion gives a small summary and an outlook. 
10 Open Office API-Viewer pdf, примеры 200903_Scholz_ OOo _APIViewer.pdf
Автор Nicole Scholz Дата 2009
"This diploma thesis is about a program called API-Viewer. The aim of the API-Viewer is to offer the possibility to get information about the Open Office UNO IDL structure fast and clear defined in a sWriter document. The main purpose of the API-Viewer will be to present the description of the UNO IDL structure and how individual elements are connected with each other. In Open Office there are a lot of services and interfaces which depend on a module and at the same time belong to another service. Because of these different connections between the UNO IDL’s, users can loose the overview of them easily.
For example the module "" consists of one module, 98 services, 111 interfaces, 29 structs, two exceptions, six enums and 36 constant groups. Nearly every included service and interface again consists of four to six methods. But this is only one module of the Open Office API. There are a lot of other modules, services and interfaces with a lot more including UNO IDL’s.
To get a better overview and imagination how many elements an UNO IDL includes, the API-Viewer will illustrate the UNO IDL’s in different ways like in a table with additional information about some IDL’s or in a graphical view, where the elements will be displayed in rectangles ordered by types, for example by UNO_SERVICE or by UNO_INTERFACE."
Due to the usefulness of this application, the code was overhauled by Prof. Rony G. Flatscher and made part of the BSF4Rexx OpenOffice samples (cf. "samples/OOo/UNO_API_info/read-me-UNO_API_info.html" in your BSF4Rexx installation). 
11 Open Office Draw Nutshells pdf, примеры OODraw_ScholzNicole_se.pdf
Автор Nicole Scholz Дата 2007
This paper is about the automation with Draw of Open and Object Rexx. To automate Draw three elements are needed Open, Object RExx and BSF4Rexx. These programs are all open source software and can be downloaded from the internet. The first chapter give a brief overview of these elements and provides links where they can be downloaded.
In the third chapter the Draw Nutshells are described. In this chapter it will be illustrated the three elements mentioned above can be used to automate Draw. Therefore parts of the example program code is shown and explained. The whole program code of the examples is added as attachment. The third chapter is divided into three parts.
In the first part the examples showing how to automate the creation of objects are described. It shows how to create shapes like lines, rectangles and circles and how to change them. The line for example can be set dash, the colour of the objects and the appearance of the shapes can be changed. There is also the possibility to add shadows or let the shapes rotate.
The second part shows how text can be added to shapes. Furthermore it will be displayed how the text can be animated, how the size and colour of the text can be changed and how the font can be modified.
In the third part the connection to other shapes is described and how a diagram can be constructed with this connectors. This example is more complex than the others because it includes a lot of features of the previous examples and combines them to create and format the diagram.
12 Automation: Object Model, Scripting Languages, 'Nutshell'-Examples pdf, примеры 200511_OOoAutomation.pdf
Автор Andreas Ahammer Дата 2005
This work builds on the work of Mr. Augustin: "Examples for Open Office Automation with Scripting Languages". It explores and demonstrates how can be automated via Object REXX by using the Java programming interfaces of and BSF4Rexx.
This time specific ooRexx support for OpenOffice (module "UNO.CLS" by Prof. Flatscher, derived from OOO.CLS which is based on the Java interface to the UNO component technology of OpenOffice) is used, which cuts down the necessary code dramatically and makes those programs easy ledgible and understandable (looks almost like pseudo-code).
13 Automation Using ooRexx Scripting Language by means of Selected Nutshell Examples by Andrew Pitonyak pdf, примеры Waglechner_ PitonyakNutshells.pdf
Автор Christoph Waglechner Дата 2009, an open-source office suite, implements a flexible scripting framework, which allows macro programming using various languages, as long as they can interact with UNO (Universal Network Object) architecture used to address objects. For the easy-to-use open-source scripting language ooRexx (Open Object Rexx), this connection is supplied by the freely available BSF4REXX framework.
Within these settings, the thesis provides additional examples on how to script using ooRexx, which are mainly derived from Andrew Pitonyak’s macro guide. For Writer, selected examples on how to travel through the text using cursors, insert text fields and form letters as well as Math integration are covered. The Calc chapter demonstrates basic cell range functionalities like cell queries as well as formula operations, which include array formulas and multiple operations. Furthermore, a generic section is provided which shows how the suite’s modules deal with graphics in general.
14 Automatisation with Object Rexx pdf, примеры 20060712_OOo_calc _automation.pdf
Автор Michael Hinz Дата 2006
This paper gives an introduction to the architecture and explains how the Calc component can be automated by using the scripting language Open Object Rexx (ooRexx). This components are open sourced and can be downloaded free of charge from the internet.
The paper is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part, the main components, ooRexx, and the Bean Scripting Framework for ooRexx, will be described and it explains how the single components can work together. At the end of this part you can find an short installation guide, which shows you how to retrieve and install the single components. The practical part provides some nutshell examples, that should demonstrate how the Calc component can be automated. The concluding part should give a short summary of the paper. 
15 Base: Comparison to MS Access, Scripting, Flexibility of Backend pdf, примеры  
Автор Andreas Beck Дата 2008
"Open Office is an open source alternative to commercial office packages and offers all components other packages have as well. Open Office is able to open and save Microsoft documents as well as it is able to save files in pdf format. A lot of people hesitate to switch from Microsoft Office to Open Office as on one hand Microsoft Office is very well known and used all over. On the other hand many people think that Open Office lacks functionality Microsoft Office offers. Basically, Open Office is an office package with all important funcionality by now, although it might lack some functionality concerning deep level functions most of the ordinary user will not miss.
This paper takes a look at the database application within Open Office. It compares Microsoft Access and Open Office Base on one hand. On the other hand it looks at the possibilities of automatisation and scripting and gives some examples." 
16 Calc Automation Using ooRexx pdf, примеры  
Автор Michael Hinz Дата 2006
This paper gives an introduction to the architecture and explains how the Calc component can be automated by using the scripting language Open Object Rexx (ooRexx). This components are open sourced and can be downloaded free of charge from the internet.
The paper is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part, the main components, ooRexx, and the Bean Scripting Framework for ooRexx, will be described and it explains how the single components can work together. At the end of this part you can find an short installation guide, which shows you how to retrieve and install the single components. The practical part provides some nutshell examples, that should demonstrate how the Calc component can be automated. The concluding part should give a short summary of the paper.
17 Selected Pitonyak' Nutshells in ooRexx pdf, примеры 200809_Gmeiner_OOo_ Selected_Pitonyak _Nutshells.pdf
Автор Michael Gmeiner Дата 2008
"This paper tries to find out how Open Object Rexx (ooRexx) can be used to automate using various concepts like BSF and UNO. It explains which software components are needed and what benefits can be expected from writing macros. The theoretical aspects are backed up by various nutshell examples which demonstrate how to apply macro knowledge."


Новый материал

03.08.2016 13:41

* Статья. "Библиотека. REXXIO Library Features". Автор: LesTec Pty Ltd, 2016

* Книги по Object Rexx вынес в самостоятельный раздел. Добавил 8 книг.

Название Источник Скачать Читать в интернете
1 Automation of Windows Applications with Object Rexx pdf, dll, примеры
Автор Florian Helmecke Дата 2003
This master thesis with the subject “Automation of Windows Applications with Object Rexx” is a reference work. It will help in obtaining solutions to Automation problems with Object Rexx. Object Rexx code examples explain many fields of the Automation technology. This paper was written for the Associate Professorship of Computer Science in Economics III and New Media of Prof. Dr. Rony G. Flatscher at the University of Augsburg.
First, there is an introduction to the Component Object Model. After that, the ActiveX Automation technology is explained theoretically and then practically with Object Rexx samples. Often the Object Rexx samples are explained with the source code of another language like Visual Basic Script. It will help solve Automation problems with Object Rexx through the comparative analysis of possible solutions. This is necessary because in the most cases there is only Visual Basic Script and no Object Rexx instruction available. Also included in this paper is a list of sources for more information, a description of tools and an introduction of the embedding of Object Rexx in HTML/XML. The Object Rexx OLEObject class is described with examples. The Automation technology is explained by Microsoft Office components, the MS Agent technology, MS Speech technology, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Windows Script Host (WSH). These technologies are described theoretically and then practically with Object Rexx scripts. Then there is an introduction to MS.NET and a description of access possibilities of MS.NET functions with Object Rexx or other languages via OLE. This is significant because Object Rexx has no language compiler for the .NET Framework. In the end are some examples, which describe how to use this technology in the economical environment.
The terms ActiveX and OLE are used synonym. All Object Rexx scripts have Visual Basic, Visual Basic Script or JScript codes as draft. Each Object Rexx script can also be written with these languages.
2 Object Rexx and windows automation interface   pdf  
Автор Rony G. Flatscher Дата 2004
In the Windows world the scripting respectively remote controlling of Windows and Windows applications is usually realized via the COM-based OLE/ActiveXAutomation Interfaces. Unfortunately, many times the documentation of the available interfaces is either not available or in a form which does not serve very well as reference for Object REXX programmers.
Usually, the available OLE/ActiveX-interfaces can be interrogated and therefore it becomes possible to analyze the interfaces (functions/methods with their signatures and return values as well as interceptable events) at runtime. This article describes the architecture of a set of Object REXX programs for interrogating and rendering the documented interfaces into HTML employing CSS and embedding Object REXX code. For non-Object REXX programmers a Windows Script Component (WSC) is devised, which allows e.g. C++, Visual Basic (Script) programmers to employ this particular functionality, which is implemented in Object REXX.
Exploiting the scriptability of the Internet Explorer it is applied as a GUI for some of the presented interrogation applications.
3 Object Rexx for Windows. Object REXX for Windows (RxMath)   pdf  
Автор IBM Дата 2001
RxMath is a REXX utility package that enables you to use enhanced mathematical functions.
The function names in the REXX Mathematical Functions package are similar to the names of their corresponding mathematical functions.
The precision of calculation depends on:
* The value specified when the command is issued
* The numeric digits settings of the calling REXX activity
4 Object Rexx for Windows. OODialog Method Reference   pdf  
Автор IBM Дата 2001
This book describes the OODialog class library in Object REXX for Windows Version 2.1, and how to use it to program user interfaces.
This book is intended for Object REXX programmers who want to design graphical user interfaces for their applications.
This book is structured in two parts.
Part 1 is a tutorial. It is organized as a guided tour through different functions and classes and uses examples that are enhanced from chapter to chapter.
Part 2 is intended as reference material. It describes the classes and methods in detail.
5 Object Rexx for Windows. Programming Guide   pdf  
Автор IBM Дата 2001
This book describes the Object-Oriented REstructured eXtended eXecutor, or Object REXX programming language. In the following, it is called REXX unless compared to its traditional predecessor.
This book is aimed at developers familiar with Windows® who want to use REXX for object-oriented programming, or a mix of traditional and object-oriented programming.
This book assumes you are already familiar with the techniques of traditional structured programming, and uses them as a springboard for quickly understanding REXX and, in particular, Object REXX. This approach is designed to help experienced programmers get involved quickly with the REXX language, exploit its virtues, and become productive fast.
Anyone interested in getting a basic understanding of object-oriented concepts should read this book. Experienced programmers can learn about the REXX language and how it is like and unlike other structured programming languages. Programmers who want to broaden their programming knowledge
can learn object-oriented programming with REXX. Users already experienced with REXX can learn about object-oriented programming (OO) in general, and OO programming with REXX in particular.
Programmers who want to make their applications (typically coded in C) scriptable by REXX, extend the REXX language, or control REXX scripts from other applications should read the application programming interface (API) information.
6 Object Rexx for Windows. Reference   pdf  
Автор IBM Дата 2001
This book describes the Object REXX Interpreter, called interpreter or language processor in the following, and the Object-Oriented REstructured eXtended eXecutor (REXX) language.
This book is intended for people who plan to develop applications using REXX. Its users range from the novice, who might have experience in some programming language but no REXX experience, to the experienced application developer, who might have had some experience with Object REXX.
This book is a reference rather than a tutorial. It assumes you are already familiar with object-oriented programming concepts.
Descriptions include the use and syntax of the language and explain how the language processor “interprets” the language as a program is running.
7 Object Rexx for Windows. REXX FTP Library Functions (RxFtp)   pdf, scripts  
Автор IBM Дата 2001
RxFtp is a REXX File Transfer Protocol (FTP) application program interface (API) package that provides access to FTP commands from your REXX program. This documentation covers version 2.3 of the RxFtp API.
The RxFtp function names are similar to those of their corresponding FTP commands. It is assumed that you are familiar with the basic FTP. For information on the FTP commands, refer to the TCP/IP or FTP documentation provided with your operating system.
The RxFtp package requires TCP/IP support to be active on your system.
The FTP client runs on your local system and the FTP server runs on a remote system.
8 Object Rexx for Windows. REXX TCP/IP Socket Library Functions (RxSock)   pdf  
Автор IBM Дата 2001
RxSock is a REXX function package providing access to the TCP/IP socket APIs available to the C programming environment. Most of the functions described in this reference are similar to the corresponding C functions available in the TCP/IP socket library.
It is assumed that you are familiar with the basic socket APIs and can reference those specific to the system. For more information, refer to the book Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume I: Principles, Protocols and Architecture by Douglas Comer (Prentice Hall PTR).
The RxSock package requires TCP/IP support to be active on your system.


Новый материал

07.03.2016 16:59

В прошлом года удалось найти несколько "рыбных мест" с книгами и информацией по Rexx. В результате архивы библиотеки пополнились более 150 единицами хранения, в том числе 122-мя книгами. Такой объем информации потребовал значительных временных затрат на его сортировку и каталогизацию. Так же было принято решение отказаться от создания отдельных страничек для каждой книги в пользу табличного хранения информации о них. Все раннее созданные страницы будут сохранены, но убраны из меню и "Карты сайта", прочитать их можно будет, нажав на название книги в таблице.

Сегодня в раздел "Книги по Net Rexx" я выложил первые 6 книги из нового поступления.

Название Источник Скачать Читать в интернете
1 NetRexx Programmer's Guide pdf Version 3.04 GA
Автор RexxLA Дата 2015
The Programming Guide is the one manual that at the same time teaches programming, shows lots of examples as they occur in the real world, and explains about the internals of the translator and how to interface with it. Currently in development – please tolerate the white spots for some time.
2 NetRexx Quick Start Guide pdf Version 3.04 GA
Автор Mike Cowlishaw, RexxLA Дата 2015
This guide is meant for an audience that has done some programming and wants to start quickly. It starts with a quick tour of the language, and a section on installing the NetRexx translator and how to run it. It also contains help for troubleshooting if anything in the installation does not work as designed, and states current limits and restrictions of the open source reference implementation.
3 NetRexx Language Reference pdf Version 3.04 GA
Автор Mike Cowlishaw, RexxLA Дата 2015
Referred to as the NRL, this is the formal definition of the language, documenting its syntax and semantics, and prescribing minimal functionality for language implementors. It is the definitive answer to any question on the language, and as such, is subject to approval of the NetRexx Architecture Review Board on any release of the language (including its NRL).
4 NetRexx 2 pdf Version 2.00
Автор Mike Cowlishaw Дата 2009
NetRexx is a general-purpose programming language inspired by two very different programming languages, Rexx and Java™. It is designed for people, not computers. In this respect it follows Rexx closely, with many of the concepts and most of the syntax taken directly from Rexx or its object-oriented version, Object Rexx. From Java it derives static typing, binary arithmetic, the object model, and exception handling. The resulting language not only provides the scripting capabilities and decimal arithmetic of Rexx, but also seamlessly extends to large application development with fast binary arithmetic.
5 Proposals for NetRexx pdf Initial public release
Автор Martin Lafaix Дата 2008
In this document I describe eight proposed areas of enhancements to the NetRexx language: piece-wise methods definitions, privileged objects, enhanced type system, short-circuit logical operators, assertions, enhanced array support, default implementations in interfaces, and delegates. My intention in making those proposals is to enhance the readability, expressivity, and descriptiveness of NetRexx, so that the programs we create can be easier to write and maintain. The syntax and semantics are subject to change. Please send comments and suggestions to Martin Lafaix,
6 NetRexx Language Overview pdf Version 2.00
Автор Mike Cowlishaw Дата 2000
This document summarizes the main features of NetRexx, and is intended to help you start using it quickly. It’s assumed that you have some knowledge of programming in a language such as Rexx, C, BASIC, or Java, but a knowledge of “object-oriented” programming isn’t needed.
This is not a complete tutorial, though – think of it more as a “taster”; it covers the main points of the language and shows some examples you can try or modify. For full details of the language, consult the NetRexx Language Definition and the NetRexx Language Supplement.


Новый материал

12.12.2015 15:42

* Учебник. "Classic Rexx Tutorial". Language Level 4.00 (TRL-2). Kilowatt Software's

* Учебник. " The REXX/imc Interpreter ".

* Статья. "REXX Sockets Return Codes".

* Статья. "Cross-platform TCP/IP Socket programming in REXX".

* Статья. "TCP/IP Socket Programming in REXX". Автор Patrick Mueller

* Статья. "Развитие мультимедиа-приложений". Автор: Линден де Кармо, 2007

Продолжая попытки хоть как-то структурирования материал, провел реорганизацию раздела "Статьи", создал следующие разделы:

- Обзоры. Здесь будет размещаться обзорные материалы по языку Rexx.

- Освоение. Здесь будет размещаться материал, содержащий в большей степени обобщенную информацию о языке Rexx. Так сказать основы языка. Не стоит недооценивать эти статьи, в них содержаться много интересной и полезной информации да же для опытных программистов. Единственное, почему материал оказался в этой категории это попытка систематизации расположения материалов на сайте, а он по внешним (весьма условным) признакам подходили именно сюда.

- Работа в сети. Здесь будет размещаться материал по работе с компьютерными сетями в языке Rexx.

- Работа с DLL. Здесь будет размещаться материал по работе с DLL'шками в языке Rexx.

- Работа с Базами Данных. Здесь будет размещаться материал по работе с Базами Данных в языке Rexx.

- Работа с мультимедиа. Здесь будет размещаться материал по работе с различными мультимедийными возможностями в языке Rexx.

Все статьи