REXX Sockets Return Codes
Источник: IBM Knowledge Center
z/VM V5R3.0 REXX/VM Reference
A REXX Sockets call returns a return code as the first token of the result string. If the return code is not zero, the second and third tokens in the result string are the error name and the corresponding error message. The following table lists the return code values defined for all REXX socket functions.
Code | Error Name | Error Message |
0 | - | - |
1 | EPERM | Not owner |
2 | ENOENT | No such file or directory |
3 | ESRCH | No such process |
4 | EINTR | Interrupted system call |
5 | EIO | I/O error |
6 | ENXIO | No such device or address |
7 | E2BIG | Arg list too long |
8 | ENOEXEC | Exec format error |
9 | EBADF | Bad file number |
10 | ECHILD | No children |
11 | EAGAIN | No more processes |
12 | ENOMEM | Not enough memory |
13 | EACCES | Permission denied |
14 | EFAULT | Bad address |
15 | ENOTBLK | Block device required |
16 | EBUSY | Device busy |
17 | EEXIST | File exists |
18 | EXDEV | Cross-device link |
19 | ENODEV | No such device |
20 | ENOTDIR | Not a directory |
21 | EISDIR | Is a directory |
22 | EINVAL | Argument not valid |
23 | ENFILE | File table overflow |
24 | EMFILE | Too many open files |
25 | ENOTTY | Inappropriate ioctl for device |
26 | ETXTBSY | Text file busy |
27 | EFBIG | File too large |
28 | ENOSPC | No space left on device |
29 | ESPIPE | Illegal seek |
30 | EROFS | Read-only file system |
31 | EMLINK | Too many links |
32 | EPIPE | Broken pipe |
33 | EDOM | Argument too large |
34 | ERANGE | Result too large |
35 | EWOULDBLOCK | Operation would block |
36 | EINPROGRESS | Operation now in progress |
37 | EALREADY | Operation already in progress |
38 | ENOTSOCK | Socket operation on non-socket |
39 | EDESTADDRREQ | Destination address required |
40 | EMSGSIZE | Message too long |
41 | EPROTOTYPE | Protocol wrong type for socket |
42 | ENOPROTOOPT | Option not supported by protocol |
43 | EPROTONOSUPPORT | Protocol not supported |
44 | ESOCKTNOSUPPORT | Socket type not supported |
45 | EOPNOTSUPP | Operation not supported on socket |
46 | EPFNOSUPPORT | Protocol family not supported |
47 | EAFNOSUPPORT | Address family not supported by protocol family |
48 | EADDRINUSE | Address already in use |
49 | EADDRNOTAVAIL | Cannot assign requested address |
50 | ENETDOWN | Network is down |
51 | ENETUNREACH | Network is unreachable |
52 | ENETRESET | Network dropped connection on reset |
53 | ECONNABORTED | Software caused connection abort |
54 | ECONNRESET | Connection reset by peer |
55 | ENOBUFS | No buffer space available |
56 | EISCONN | Socket is already connected |
57 | ENOTCONN | Socket is not connected |
58 | ESHUTDOWN | Cannot send after socket shutdown |
59 | ETOOMANYREFS | Too many references: cannot splice |
60 | ETIMEDOUT | Connection timed out |
61 | ECONNREFUSED | Connection refused |
62 | ELOOP | Too many levels of symbolic links |
63 | ENAMETOOLONG | File name too long |
64 | EHOSTDOWN | Host is down |
65 | EHOSTUNREACH | Host is unreachable |
66 | ENOTEMPTY | Directory not empty |
67 | EPROCLIM | Too many processes |
68 | EUSERS | Too many users |
69 | EDQUOT | Disc quota exceeded |
70 | ESTALE | Stale NFS file handle |
71 | EREMOTE | Too many levels of remote in path |
72 | ENOSTR | Not a stream device |
73 | ETIME | Timer expired |
74 | ENOSR | Out of stream resources |
75 | ENOMSG | No message of desired type |
76 | EBADMSG | Not a data message |
77 | EIDRM | Identifier removed |
78 | EDEADLK | Deadlock situation detected/avoided |
79 | ENOLCK | No record locks available |
80 | ENONET | Machine is not on the network |
81 | ERREMOTE | Object is remote |
82 | ENOLINK | The link has been severed |
83 | EADV | Advertise error |
84 | ESRMNT | SRMOUNT error |
85 | ECOMM | Communication error on send |
86 | EPROTO | Protocol error |
87 | EMULTIHOP | Multihop attempted |
88 | EDOTDOT | Cross mount point |
89 | EREMCHG | Remote address changed |
90 | ECONNCLOSED | Connection closed by peer |
1000 | EIBMBADCALL | Bad socket-call constant |
1001 | EIBMBADPARM | Bad parm |
1002 | EIBMSOCKETOUTOFRANGE | Socket out of range |
1003 | EIBMSOCKINUSE | Socket in use |
1004 | EIBMIUCVERR | IUCV error |
2001 | EINVALIDRXSOCKETCALL | Syntax error in RXSOCKET parameter list |
2002 | ECONSOLEINTERRUPT | Console interrupt |
2003 | ESUBTASKINVALID | Subtask ID not valid |
2004 | ESUBTASKALREADYACTIVE | Subtask already active |
2005 | ESUBTASKNOTACTIVE | Subtask not active |
2006 | ESOCKETNOTALLOCATED | Socket could not be allocated |
2007 | EMAXSOCKETSREACHED | Maximum number of sockets reached |
2008 | ESOCKETALREADYDEFINED | Socket already defined |
2009 | ESOCKETNOTDEFINED | Socket not defined |
2010 | ETCPIPSEVEREDPATH | TCPIP severed IUCV path |
2011 | EDOMAINSERVERFAILURE | Domain name server failure |
2012 | EINVALIDNAME | name received from TCPIP server not valid |
2013 | EINVALIDCLIENTID | clientid received from TCPIP server not valid |
2014 | EINVALIDFILENAME | File name specified not valid |
2015 | ENUCEXTFAILURE | Error during NUCEXT function |
2016 | EHOSTNOTFOUND | Host not found in SITEINFO file |
2017 | EIPADDRNOTFOUND | IP address not found in ADDRINFO file |
2018 | EREQUESTNOTACTIVE | Specified socket request not active |
2051 | EFORMATERROR | Format error |
2052 | ESERVERFAILURE | Server failure |
2053 | EUNKNOWNHOST | Unknown host |
2054 | EQUERYTYPENOTIMPLEMENTED | Query type not implemented |
2055 | EQUERYREFUSED | Query refused |
3001 | EIUCVINVALIDPATH | IUCV path ID not valid |
3002 | EIUCVPATHQUIESCED | IUCV path quiesced |
3003 | EIUCVMSGLIMITEXCEEDED | IUCV message limit exceeded |
3004 | EIUCVNOPRIORITY | IUCV priority message not allowed on this path |
3005 | EIUCVSMALLBUFFER | IUCV buffer too small |
3006 | EIUCVBADFETCH | IUCV Fetch Protection Exception |
3007 | EIUCVBADADDRESS | IUCV Addressing Exception on answer buffer |
3008 | EIUCVBADMSGCLASS | IUCV conflicting message class/path/msgid |
3009 | EIUCVPURGEDMSG | IUCV message was purged |
3010 | EIUCVBADMSGLENGTH | IUCV negative message length |
3011 | EIUCVPARTNERNOTLOGGEDON | IUCV target userid not logged on |
3012 | EIUCVPARTNERNOTINITIALIZED | IUCV target userid not enabled for IUCV |
3013 | EIUCVPATHLIMITEXCEEDED | IUCV path limit exceeded |
3014 | EIUCVPARTNERPATHLIMIT | IUCV partner path limit exceeded |
3015 | EIUCVNOTAUTHORIZED | IUCV not authorized |
3016 | EIUCVINVALIDCPSYSTEMSERVICE | IUCV CP System Service not valid |
3018 | EIUCVINVALIDMSGLIMIT | IUCV message limit not valid |
3019 | EIUCVBUFFERALREADYDECLARED | IUCV buffer already declared |
3020 | EIUCVPARTNERSEVERED | IUCV partner severed path |
3021 | EIUCVPARTNERNOPRMDATA | IUCV cannot accept data in parmlist |
3022 | EIUCVSENDLISTINVALID | IUCV SEND buffer list not valid |
3023 | EIUCVINVALIDBUFFERLENGTH | IUCV negative length in answerlist |
3024 | EIUCVINVALIDLISTLENGTH | IUCV total list length not valid |
3026 | EIUCVBUFFERLISTNOTALIGNED | IUCV buffer list not aligned |
3027 | EIUCVANSWERLISTNOTALIGNED | IUCV answer list not aligned |
3028 | EIUCVNOCONTROLBUFFER | IUCV no control buffer |
3048 | EIUCVFUNCTIONNOTSUPPORTED | IUCV function not supported |
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