Работа с данными
1 | RegUtil | [Win] RexxUtil for Regina (RegUtil) реализация IBM's RexxUtil для Regina. В комплекте описание, dll для винды, и исходники. Теоретически все должно работать под FreeBSD, NT, Solaris, HP, TRU64 Unix, Linux, Dynix, and AIX |
2 | XML | Библиотеки для работы (разбора) XML файлов. |
3 | BASE64.ZIP | Encode/decode files in Base64 (б) 31.01.1995 |
4 | CHANGE2.ZIP | REXX batch files are practical tools to change drive/directory (б) 23.11.1996 |
5 | CMDLINE1.ZIP | Powerful data input routine for REXX |
6 | DATERGF1.ZIP | REXX procedures for working with sorted dates |
7 | QUOTWORD.ZIP | REXX Word()-like function which recognizes quoted strings (c) 1998/06/04 |
8 | rexxfile101.zip | Rexx File Utilities (FileUt), version 1.0.1 Новые расширенные функции, аналоги функций: lineout, charin, и charout. |
9 | rexxuni20.zip | RexxUni 2.0 - UniCode API for Rexx (c) 2002/01/10 |
10 | RXBAS123.ZIP | Dbase functions for REXX |
11 | RXCRC32.ZIP | RxCRC32 V1.00 - A REXX extension DLL for efficiently calculating CRC-32 checksums of files/buffers/strings. (c) 2000/10/30 |
12 | RXDATE21.ZIP | REXX calendar functions for manipulating dates (c) 2000/12/19 |
13 | RXMULCH1.ZIP | Replaces/counts strings in files (REXX) |
14 | rxuls_051.zip | RXULS.DLL v0.51, Unicode and I18N library for REXX, to selected parts of the OS/2 ULS (Universal Language Support) API, also known as the Unicode API. Functions for: searching and transforming text by locale, querying locale information<...>(c)14.01.2008 |
15 | UTIME.ZIP | DLL for REXX: UnixTime convert to string |
16 | w32funcs151.zip | [WIN] w32funcs is a function library for Regina which provides access to the Windows NT registry, event log, service control manager, and shell, and provides Automation support. |
17 | dateconv.rar | DATECONV v7.0 Convert a date from one format to another format and optionally offset the date some number of days. |
18 | ini2rexx.zip | [OS2] INI2Rexx.zip v0.1.2 Converts OS/2 INI files to human editable Rexx scripts. (с) 2002 |
19 | RxUls | [OS2] RxULS Version 0.5.2. REXX Universal Language Support (RxULS) provides a REXX interface to selected parts of the OS/2 Universal Language Support API (ULS). (c) Alexander Taylor, 2008 |
20 | numbers-1_2.zip | REXX function that converts any integer into its equivalent in letters ("two hundred" for 200, etc.) in English, Spanish and Catala (c) 2009 |
21 | RexxRe | [OS2][WIN] RexxRE, version 1.0.1. RexxRE provides a Rexx interface to POSIX regular expressions. There is an analog to each of the POSIX functions, and a `parse' function which provides functionality similar to the Rexx parse instruction. (c) Patrick TJ McPhee, 2003 |
22 | rxfilts.zip | Исходники библиотеки работы с регулярными выражениями на Rexx. (c) 1998 |
23 | rxsql25beta_lite_os2.zip | [OS2] Rexx/SQL 2.4 for SQLite OS/2 3.0+ (c) 2004 |
24 | RexxMySql | [WIN][LINUX] REXX MySQL Library Wrapper library for adding MySQL support into the REXX language. Libraries are written in C and then imported into REXX scripts. Once imported REXX scripts can access most of the functions of the MySQL C API through REXX. Подробнее здесь. |
25 | RexxSql | [OS2][WIN][LINUX] Rexx/SQL An external Rexx function package to connect to SQL databases * Description Rexx/SQL is a Rexx external function package that allows access to various SQL databases with the same interface. Multiple databases from different vendors may be connected at once. * Overview Rexx/SQL provides Rexx programmers with a consistent, simple, yet powerful interface to SQL databases. Multiple connections to different databases from different vendors can be made in the one Rexx program. Multiple statements can be open on each database connection at the one time. Databases supported by Rexx/SQL include Oracle, DB2, MySQL, and SQLite. Rexx/SQL also supports access to ODBC datasources. This means that you can use Rexx/SQL to access databases such as SQL Server and Access, as well as other products such as Excel. Web Site: https://rexxsql.sourceforge.net/ |